Jeri Kruse
First and foremost, thank you to each and every one of you taking the time to read this post! I've started a fundraiser for my mother in law who was recently diagnosed with cancer. The past month has been super hard for many finding out a loved one has cancer. You are left to wonder why and how could this happen to someone you love. You don't ever think it will happen to you or someone close to you until it does. It stops you right in your tracks and the questions begin to flow. Why me. How. What did I do to deserve this. Unfortunately, sometimes you never get those answers and are left to hope and pray that the doctors will have the best plan of action for you.
Well, it started out awhile back with Jeri having some health issues. She is extremely stubborn and doesn't like going to the doctor unless she absolutely has too. With that being said, she finally went and was referred to a ENT doctor. I had the privilege of being with her this day, unfortunately we received some news that no one ever wants to hear. She had cancer! She had a few more tests done to confirm it and unfortunately it was real, she has cancer. So what is the next step you ask? She will be starting chemo within the next couple of weeks and could use any help with travel expenses, to and from chemo treatments, doctors visits, medicine, food, bills etc. We all know the burden of doctor bills. Anyone that knows her knows she has one of the biggest hearts of gold and would help anyone in their time of need. She would be the first person to give the shirt off her back! So with that being said, no donation is too small. Prayers are greatly appreciated as well. She could use all the prayers she can get.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts....