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Some of my first memories in life are with you, the fondest memory I have of you are us as little kids putting soap on our hands and crawling past my grandmothers room to go put our hands in the window A/C unit because it would feel really cool on our hands lol, I remember us getting caught and I had to take a nap but my grandmother allowed you sit in the living room and watch tv! Boy was I jealous! Memories I’ll never forget, you were such a selfless and thoughtful soul. I’ll make sure your daughter knows that you would’ve and did do everything for her and that because of her you changed your whole out look on life. You started to exude an energy that made me so proud! Because growing up I knew your struggles and the environment that we were in, you made my heart smile! When no one else recognized my pain you did, you were there for every milestone. I appreciate you forever for always believing in me when at times I didn’t believe in myself.
I share these memories with you all to show you that my cousin wasn’t just a victim, he was a brother, a son, a FATHER. He had dreams, aspirations.. He had feelings.. He had a daughter that he needed to make it home to, a mother who will never see her son walk through front door again, he has sisters who are mourning, he has people who love him immensely, these words barely scratch the surface but I hope it can paint a clear picture of what we are experiencing.
The purpose of this go fund me is solely to provide aide for his 4 year old daughter, her father was one of her main providers and he would want the best future possible for her. And to provide support for his mom and siblings as they try to get through this rough patch! Not only are we asking for donations but prayers as we have to come together as a community and nation to stand against hatred & Racism to prevent this from happening to another family, to prevent another child from losing their father and to PROTECT ALL.
Jerrald Gallion planned to spend the weekend with his 4-year-old daughter but the devoted father was instead one of three Black people gunned down Saturday afternoon at a Dollar General store in Jacksonville, Florida.
Gallion, 29, was shot as he entered the store’s front door with his girlfriend in a predominantly Black neighborhood. The killing marked him as another victim in the latest racist attack in the U.S.
Organizer and beneficiary
Jasmine Mable
Jacksonville, FL
Carrol Gibbs