Jessika's campaign for Project Purple
Tax deductible
I will be running the 2020, now 2021, NYC Marathon, raising awareness and raising funds to benefit Project Purple. I do this in honor of those who currently battle pancreatic cancer and in memory of those who have lost the battle but live on in our hearts and memories. Any amount will help support Project Purple. Thank you in advance for your support.
More information about Project Purple: Project Purple is an impact-driven organization with a vision of a world without pancreatic cancer. Our mission is to find a cure for pancreatic cancer and improve the lives of patients through support, hope, and compassion.
6/24/20 UPDATE:
The 50th NYC Marathon scheduled for November 1, 2020 has been canceled due to the COVID-19 outbreak. The 50th Anniversary race will now be run in 2021. I will be there to run for Project Purple. I want to thank everyone who has donated for your support.
Jessika Saunders
Lake Pocotopaug, CT
Project Purple