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Jewel Hazel's Medical Fund

Doação protegida

Jewel Hazel Van Puffelen

After nearly three years of trying to start their family, Breck and Hannah's prayers were answered with their beautiful baby girl, Jewel Hazel. But at their anatomy scan the doctor's became concerned. Jewel Hazel, named after Hannah's grandmother, was measuring very small and seemed to have some health complications. After running tests, the doctor's confirmed that Jewel Hazel has Trisomy 18. Babies with this condition have a low chance of making it to full term and even lower chances of living long past birth. As Breck and Hannah have begun to wrap their minds around this diagnosis and the risks that come with it, they have also learned of other health complications Jewel Hazel faces. Jewel Hazel has also been diagnosed with spina bifida, has excess fluid on her brain, and a large VSD (hole) in her heart. Each of these challenges will require surgical intervention if Jewel Hazel survives the birth. 

As Breck and Hannah prepare for her arrival they are also facing the challenge of needing to be in the care of a hospital and doctors that are four hours from their home in Savannah. Hannah will be having a c-section in less than two weeks, at 37 weeks pregnant. A specific challenge facing them is having to move to Atlanta for the delivery, surgeries, and a NICU stay for at least three weeks following Jewel Hazel's arrival. Many people have reached out to them asking how they can help, which has led us to the creation of this page. 

Here are the most impactful ways you can help:

1. Pray
Please pray for wisdom for the doctors serving them, peace and comfort for Breck and Hannah, and healing for Jewel Hazel. You can specifically pray over her birth, that should would be able to breathe on her own, and for successful surgeries.

2. Dog/Cat Sit
If you are local to the Savannah area, Breck and Hannah are looking for help caring for their animals. If you know of anyone willing to donate their time and help, please reach out!

3. Donate
All of these medical appointments, lodging in Atlanta, food, and gas are already adding up quickly. The last thing we want Breck and Hannah to be worried about during this time is finances, so please donate as you are able. Every dollar will help them be near to and care for their daughter in this time and is an answer to prayers.


  • Camping World Shreveport
    • $50
    • 3 yrs
  • Anônimo
    • $25
    • 3 yrs

Organizador e beneficiário

Christian Van Puffelen
Chattanooga Valley, GA
William Van Puffelen II

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