Peace & Conflict Public Education Project
Donation protected
Hi, my name is Jim Adams.
The purpose of this project is to reach as many concerned citizens as possible with informed explanations about peace and conflict circumstances and observations about constructive conflict (experience and PhD-based).
I spent a good many years overseas in peacekeeping operations as a humanitarian officer, operations officer, and civil affairs officer. Although I served in the U.S. Air Force in Viet Nam long ago, my time in conflict zones since then has been as a civilian. Several years ago, I felt compelled to write down my observations and knowledge about peace and conflict and human affairs gained over a lifetime.
I wrote "Analytic Reflections from Conflict Zones: A Cautionary Tale for A Polarizing America and World" (2021). In the book, I lay out my conflict zone observations, conceptual work, and cautions about peace and conflict, including what I see going on now in the USA and elsewhere. I've seen such troubling patterns before. I explain my view that War Is the Road Rage of Humanity. I recommend not going down that road.
Foundational to this project is publishing my second book "Peace & Conflict: Citizens Edition. It's a shorter, affordable, updated version of "Analytic Reflections from Conflict Zones." It's being published soon by Hamilton Publishers.
Peace & Conflict: Citizens Edition is directed at all concerned citizens. I put it in plain language as best I can to contribute to a more informed, calmer, constructive national discourse, and to help people better understand their conflict circumstances and peacebuilding options.
Your support will enable my public education efforts at a wide variety of venues. For example, at organizational, educational and religious institutions, veterans' groups, public and private gatherings, and with military and civilian audiences.
Specifics: Thanks to all for contributing to the costs of copy editing/reformatting and publishing ($9,500); that phase is done. What remains at this time is $2,800 for a one-year Phase One public engagement effort (gas money and cheap motels).
I very much appreciate whatever you can do. For more on me, see my author website:
Thank you very much,
Jim Adams
James Adams
Longmont, CO