Jim Bregman, USJA Founding Director, LM020
TO: USJA Members
FROM: Jim Bregman
SUBJECT: USJA is crumbling!
The USJA is crumbling due to the actions of the current Board of Directors. It will survive
only if our membership acts.
Over the past eight years there has not been an election. The Board has committed
multiple violations of USJA corporate bylaws. They announced an election, but the
number of vacancies remains unclear. The Election Committee and its members have been
sacked, as has the Vice President. As if that were not enough, you will be shocked to learn
that the USJA Corporation, which was chartered in the District of Columbia as a 501 c3
a nonprofit corporation has been terminated due to lack of financial report files and
neglect. A USJA corporation -- which is not a 501 c3 -- is listed in Florida. It has assumed
the assets of the DC organization and is a for-profit business. This is wrong on many levels.
Many members are outraged by this Board’s actions and their lack of following rules, not
following the democratic process, and above all, not establishing transparency. Their
actions are taken in secret meetings not communicated to the membership. It is beyond
time to take a definitive stance against this non-elected Board and their detrimental actions
and conduct.
There are many ways to communicate our total displeasure with these events. I ask our
members to stand for the rule of law and object to this Board. The Election Committee
and Vice President must be reinstated, and an election in an open, fair, and transparent
fashion must be held to fill all seven board member positions.
We are discussing legal actions to seek redress for this misconduct. To pay for these
expenses, I am asking you to make donation to the Go Fund Me located at the USJA
LEGAL DEFENSE FUND. Any funds not used for legal effort will be donated directly to
the USJA after a fair and free election.
Club leaders and members, the time for action is now. Please speak up loudly and in every
way possible to correct this injustice. Contact the current Board to express your
The future of the USJA is on the line. If we fail to boldly act, we will lose our organization
to corruption and disarray. Whenever and however an election takes place, I endorse these
candidates and recommend that you also support and vote for: Bonnie Korte, Rob Reilly,
Pete Mantel, Jessie Goldstein, Ron Cooley, Marshall Coffman, Andy Connelly, and Jack
Below is a notification to Michael Goldsmith, which is self-explanatory. Please read and
understand that this and so many other actions over the past eight years are a direct
violation of our bylaws and an affront to our members and clubs. This Board is not
properly elected and is taking actions to self-perpetuate its undemocratic rule and actions.
However the election is run, please vote for the competent and well-qualified individuals
whom I have recommended.
Jim Bregman
Founding Director, USJA
Past President
Dear Mr. Goldsmith,
This email is being sent to formally notify you of a decision made by the USJA Board
of Directors at an emergency session held last evening, Sunday, August 8, 2021. This
emergency meeting was called to address your actions of Friday, August 6, 2021, when, in
contradiction to the duly voted upon, majority 6-1 decision of the Board of Directors to conduct
our upcoming elections using an online voting process, which you were aware of, and in
contradiction to the decision of the Standards and Ethics Committee on this issue and in advance
of the decision of the Standards and Ethics Committee regarding the number of open seats to be
voted upon in the upcoming election, which you were aware of, you allowed to be issued and
signed an announcement to members including a paper ballot requesting selection of (7)
These actions, taken as both USJA Corporate Counsel and Chairman of the Election
Committee has caused the USJA Board of Directors to lose confidence in your ability to
perform either role. The Board of Directors has therefore resolved by a 6-0 majority vote, has
removed you as both Election Committee Chair and Counsel to the United States Judo
Association effective 11:00 PM, 8/8/2021. A certified letter will follow this email.
Board of Directors
United States Judo Association