Jim Butters Memorial Fund
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Dear Friends and Family of Mr. Butters,
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of James Robert Butters. Mr. B was a talented, accomplished, influential man. He touched the lives of countless individuals over the course of his lifetime. Many of his former students regarded him as a second father or the father they never had. His generosity and dedication to his career and to everyone he loved (friends, family and students) was heartfelt and sincere. He built the Hunterdon Learning Center from the ground up beginning with a simple dream to educate children that many others had given up on. Regardless of his many accomplishments, by the time he left this world, his material and financial assets were few.
In honor of this incredible man, his family seeks to say goodbye with a funeral and memorial service that honors the life of the man we knew and loved.
In lieu of flowers or gifts, the family is in need of donations to provide a befitting tribute to say goodbye to this extraordinary man. If you are able to help “put in the pot” any amount you can spare (no matter how small) it will benefit our tribute. We thank you in advance for your generosity. If you are unable to contribute monetarily, we appreciate your prayers and well wishes during this difficult time.
We will provide a link to the obituary here, once available .
Sincerest Thanks,
The Butters Family
Organisateur et bénéficiaire
Melissa DeBlasio
Flemington, NJ
Erica Butters