JJ's Medical & Healing Journey
Hello, my name is Angel Flores-Cano, and I am fundraising on behalf of my brother, Joseph (JJ) Flores. JJ was diagnosed with COVID-19 on July 22, 2021 and by God's grace is making a slow and steady recovery. He spent 2 weeks at Methodist Hospital where he received the best care from the medical teams who are there for the long haul of this horrible pandemic. JJ is asthmatic, and his lungs took a beating (double pneumonia) along with damage to other organs, so he is forecasted to have a long road of recovery.
Unfortunately, when JJ was diagnosed, he had just started a new job and therefore, did not have medical insurance secured. This has caused a great financial concern for JJ since he will be out of work for a few months due to his recovery process. He is seeking support through Bexar County but needs additional financial support to assist with costly prescriptions, physician follow ups, treatments to repair/strengthen his lungs and household expenses.
As a family, we are asking anyone who can donate, to please donate, so JJ can continue to have a positive recovery with a little less stress about his medical and household finances. We want his focus to remain on his complete healing and his son. All donations gifted to JJ will be appreciated.