Horrific dog attack: J’Kai needs your support
J’kai, my bright and lively two year-old nephew from Wichita Falls, TX was sadly attacked this weekend by a dog. J’kai suffered injuries to
the back of his head and was transported to
Fort Worth due to the severity of his injuries.
J’kai has undergone his first surgery that focused on cleaning and stabilizing the area impacted by the attack. Reconstruction will require extensive additional surgeries.
Doctors describe that treatment will be ongoing for the next two years resulting in the family needing to commute back and forth as well as pay for injury related supplies and expenses as needed to adhere to his treatment.
As you can imagine, our family is reeling from
this tragedy. Many have asked how they can
help my brother Joe and Kim moving forward. My goal is for my brother to be able to focus on his son's healing instead of worrying about financial strain. Funds will go towards lodging, food, travel back and forth to Fort Worth and any bills or unexpected expenses.
Anyone who knows J’kai, knows he is an incredibly smart and lively toddler, and there are no words to express our heartbreak.
If you are unable to donate, simply sharing this fundraiser or keeping him in your prayers is greatly appreciated.