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Help save our home

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My name is Karen Jowers. I am a mother to 4 and a grandmother to many. I have raised two of my grandbabies and work very hard. I have had multiple heart issues including an open heart surgery that has made our medical bills sykrocket. During this time we have missed two house payments and have missed others throughout the years. We are in need of $3,000 to catch up on our house payments in order to not be evicted from our home of 30+ years. Any little bit will help. We are in need of this money by april 29th. I am also in the process of selling off some of our belongings. Please if you are able to help we will be forever grateful. Thank you.


  • Ricky Kurtz
    • $100
    • 5 yrs


Karen Jowers
Gloucester Courthouse, VA

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