Berry Family House Fire
On October 17th, my family, (mom, dad, sister, brother, two cats and dog) woke up to the house on fire. They all quickly evacuated and EVERYBODY was unharmed. The fire started in the garage (probably an electrical issue) and engulfed half of the house. The garage, my sister and brothers bedroom, and the living room all suffered from fire, smoke and water damage and the house as a whole is un-liveable. In addition, two of the family cars also got destroyed in the fire and the garage contained my dads livelihood, all of his tools for being a home contractor.
While material things can be replaced, I am starting this GoFundMe to help support my family get back on their feet - getting new tools, helping my brother get a new car, helping to get some new clothes, and helping to pay rent wherever they may have to go. Any donation helps and we know we will come out of this stronger than before.
Thank you in advance for your support.
The Berry Family