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Stacey's Microdiscectomy

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I have to have a Microdiscectomy on February 27 to relieve the pain of a herniated disc that I have been suffering since July.

I cannot work this semester and had to relinquish the classes I previously accepted for winter semester, at Macomb Community College, where I have taught composition and argument since 2007. As an adjunct, I receive no benefits. My income is essential to the survival of my family. 

While I have previously scoffed at the idea of begging for charity, I'm asking for help because I cannot do my part in supporting my family. I can't stand to witness Paul scrambling for money to pay car insurance or our water bill.

I would appreciate any support you can offer at this time, whether it's mola or stopping by to entertain Holden for a while. Hopefully, our family can soon return to normal and have y'all over for some beer and music!


  • Philip & Angela Southern
    • $50
    • 9 yrs


Stacey Tomkiewicz MacLeod
Ferndale, MI

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt