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Party With a Purpose: Change The Ref Brings Guacathon into The Metaverse, a Celebration Of Joaquin' Guac' Oliver's Life
Let's all help raise money to benefit Change the Ref, and make all donations make an impact. Thanks for contributing to a safer future for America's young generations.
Change the Ref uses art and non-violent disruptive campaigns to advocate for gun safety regulations and expose the effects of mass shootings.
Change the Ref's ultimate goal is to give the young generation a voice to advocate for change in the gun control policy.
This year's GUACATHON becomes a virtual life celebration of Guac's 22nd birthday and will take place on the METAVERSE. This digital party includes a strong partnership with big names from the gaming industry, a virtual concert, and some other cyber activities that will entertain more than 8M gamers from around the world for ten days.
Change The Ref
Pompano Beach, FL
Change the Ref