Jocelyn Claire Reed (transitioning)
About me :
My name is Jocelyn Reed and I’m a 21 year old trans woman from Liverpool, England.
I have been socially transitioning for a while now and I am ready to take the next steps necessary in order to medically transition.
How this helps :
I have been on the NHS waiting list for some time now and I have recently been informed that the waiting list times have almost doubled. The purpose of this waiting list is for counselling appointments (the very first step for someone’s journey in transitioning). The NHS provide a brilliant service however for me, I feel as though by waiting I will be missing out on time that I’ll never have back as my most authentic self.
Appreciation :
I am forever grateful for all the love and support I receive daily from my family, friends and even strangers physically and through social media!
Since I started transitioning, I had multiple recommendations regarding starting a GoFundMe page, and at the time I didn’t feel it was necessary. However, after looking into it deeper I’ve found it would be a lot more beneficial for me. Any contributions would be greatly appreciated or even just sharing the link would be an amazing help.
The money from this Gofundme will be spent on hormone therapy, appointment fees, breast enhancement surgery & bottom surgery. Any remaining money will be donated to LGBTQ+ organisations.
You can find my other links here