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MEDFORD LAKES – Firefighters responded to a blaze that started in the basement of a Medford Lakes home late Saturday nght, according to scanner reports.
Heavy fire was reported at the residence on the 100 block of Lenape Trail shortly after 11 p.m.
The American Red Cross Southwestern Chapter responded to help four residents who were displaced from the home. Volunteers provided food, clothing and hotel lodging.
The fire was placed under control at 11:25 p.m.
This may seem like any ordinary news item that one might casually cast a glance at and say..."gee, that's so sad"and continue on with one's day, focusing on our own trials and tribulations.
However, in this case it is the very real story for a dedicated Virtua Voorhees Employee, who tragically lost her home and her beloved dog, Zoe in an overnight blaze. Rhonda Miller and her family have been generously helped by The American Red Cross and have been given temporary shelter and some immediate relief funds.
Rhonda helps save lives every day at Virtua and deserves some help to get through this incredibly difficult situation. Her co-workers in the Respiratory Care department have expressed a desire to assist her and her family. Donations of clothing and food will be welcomed in the immediate days ahead, but until insurance claims are filed and monies received, she and her family will need some help.
It was stated in the news a few weeks before Christmas that the State of New Jersey was one of the TOP THREE LEAST GIVING states in the entire country. Can we band together as a community and help our neighbor, friend and co-worker, just as we are all putting away our Christmas and Holiday goodies?
Let's start the New Year off on a better start for the Miller's . Any amount will be a help and will be greatly appreciated. Pass this on to anyone who would like to join in and help a family in need.
Thanks for reading this and may you all have a Blessed New Year!
ADDENDUM: The title of this has shown it to be hosted individually by myself, but it is in actuallity a collaborative event hosted by The VIRTUA VOOHEES RESPIRATORY CARE DEPARTMENT. Thanks for your kind attention :)
Kathleen Haber Servello
Riverton, NJ