Jodi Bradshaw Medical Expenses
Friends and family want to support Jodi and her family during this time. They will have medical and also life expenses during recovery. Please consider this as a means to us helping her during this time.
Here's her story...
On April 25th Jodi opened her home to her father, Gene, who had a terminal brain tumor. She welcomed him into her home so that he could spend his final days with his wife and family and would be able to say goodbye, not in a facility where visitors were not allowed due to COVID. A hospice nurse came in to care for Gene during this time and proper precautions were taken. Gene passed away peacefully surrounded by family on Friday May 1st. After his passing Jodi started to not feel well. We thought it was due to her daily chemotherapy that she is on for Chronic Myeloid Leukemia as this is a very normal side effect. However, on Wednesday May 6th she was still not feeling well and we made the decision to get her tested for COVID. While waiting for results, Jodi received a call letting her know that the hospice nurse had tested positive for COVID. Thursday afternoon Jodi was admitted to St. John’s Hospital because she was having a difficult time breathing. She was moved to the ICU there after learning she too tested positive for COVID and was placed on oxygen immediately and also diagnosed with pneumonia. Friday her oxygen needs grew drastically and quickly and Jodi was placed on a ventilator by 4 pm Friday May 8th. Saturday she was stable enough to be medically transported to Bethesda, a dedicated COVID hospital. She has now been on a ventilator for a week and thankfully making progress slowly every day. She still has a long road to go to get off the ventilator and out of the hospital but we are confident she is strong enough to beat this.