Joe Hill Monument
Tax deductible
100 years ago, Joe Hill was executed at the old Utah prison for two murders he probably didn’t commit. A public park now occupies the sight of the former prison.
50 years ago Ammon Hennacy and the good folks at the Joe Hill House printed a pamphlet titled "If I were free". The money raised from the printing was "To be used for the erection of a suitable monument to the undying memory of Joe Hill, poet and organizer for the Industrial Workers of the World, and murdered by the State of Utah, November 19, 1915"
Unfortunately the monument still hasn't been built.
We are trying to finish the work started all those years ago and finally get a fitting monument built. We need your help to get it done.
Please consider donating today.
Don’t mourn. Organize!
50 years ago Ammon Hennacy and the good folks at the Joe Hill House printed a pamphlet titled "If I were free". The money raised from the printing was "To be used for the erection of a suitable monument to the undying memory of Joe Hill, poet and organizer for the Industrial Workers of the World, and murdered by the State of Utah, November 19, 1915"
Unfortunately the monument still hasn't been built.
We are trying to finish the work started all those years ago and finally get a fitting monument built. We need your help to get it done.
Please consider donating today.
Don’t mourn. Organize!
Justin Daniels
Salt Lake City, UT
Joe Hill Organizing Committee Inc