Joey Lydon Memorial Workout
Tax deductible
1982 meter Bike Buy In:
4 rounds of:
7 Overhead Squats 115/85
29 Abmat Sit-ups
7 Hang Power Cleans 115/85
29 Push-ups
Buy out: 1982 meter Bike
*Accumulate 39 Strict Pull-ups throughout the workout
Joeys birthday
Joey was a family man and loved his family very much. The 4 rounds represent his family-. His wife @brandylydon_realtor and two kids @rileygirl05 [email redacted]
39 Strict Pull-ups represent Joeys age
CrossFit Courageous extends an invitation to anyone who would like to join us on Saturday February 12th for this memorial workout in honor of our dear friend, a leader in our community, a great husband and loving father.
We love you, Joey
Ps- the time cap is 27 minutes
Your CFC Family
*We will be raising donations for First Tee Knoxville— Joey was a big fan of golf⛳️
Zach Quayle
Knoxville, TN
Williams Creek Youth Foundation (The Wee Course Academic Center and The First Tee of Greater Knoxville)