Fund for Joey’s Twins victims of the vaccine
Hi, my name is Samantha Cherry Mishkin. Unfortunately Joseph Mishkin passed away at 1:34am October 12th Tuesday Morning. Joey was only 35 years old. On October 1 he took the Pfizer vaccine and had a bad reaction to it. He stopped breathing and passed out the following day and he fought hard to recover. But the damage was already done, lack of oxygen to the brain caused brain death and his body shut down. Joseph was a victim of the vaccine. A healthy 35 year father passed away and his poor children are suffering because of it. We are all suffering. It is a tremendous loss and everyone is devastated. He was a loving father and lived for his children Joey and Mia (12 year old fraternal twins ). Joey also left behind his Beautiful sister Melanie.Beautiful mother Rosa, his father Steve, his step sisters Jennifer and Vicky. He also loved his beautiful fiancé Vanessa and her 3 children Keith, Vania and Eli, they had just moved in together and were just beginning a new journey while trying to blend their families together. Up until a few months ago he was a single father and his children adored him. He worked such long hours to support his children. I don’t know what they are going to do without him. It is a tragedy. He had a beautiful family. His twins Joey and Mia were his whole world. We are trying to raise money for his twins. They are victims of the vaccine. It is hard for us to ask for anything but we need help. If you can make a contribution to his children, I know Joey and his children Joey and Mia will be forever grateful. Rosa his mother and father Steven are devastated. We have a long road ahead of us and it takes a village. The money donated will be used to raise and care for Joey Jr and Meliah. ALSO, WANT TO RAISE AWARENESS, WE UNDERSTAND THAT NOT EVERYONE CAN MAKE A CONTRIBUTION BUT PLEASE SHARE JOEY’S STORY!
crypto donations:
For Rosa and Steve,
I am so sorry for your loss.
I know words will not ease your pain. A parent should never have to loose a child.