(Updated)Johdon`s overcome of house fire
Hi. My name is Johdon. On June 13,2024 a fire broke out on the porch of my apartment that I share with my son. It spread to the roof while no one was home and was completely destroyed. Everything was ruined by fire or water damage. I have been working very hard to improve my life and make ends meet 60 hours a week. This fire with now no home, no clothes and no belongings is making that even more challenging to complete. I worry of losing my job as I need to miss work to look for a place to live, try and furnish it. I need new work clothes and shoes, just the basics to even live as my son and I now have nothing on a very low limited budget. This fire has not only destroyed a building it’s destroyed our life. In the first part of June, my apartment burned down and I, and my son, lost everything: our home, our furniture, even our clothes. We got out safely, luckily, but are struggling as we try to find a new apartment and deal with the overwhelming need to replace everything. We are currently living in a hotel as we apply for apartments. Any help is appreciated as I try to get back on my feet after this devastating loss. Even $10 or $20 adds up to help.