Charity cycle for alopecia
Gav will be doing a charity cycle from Helensburgh to Dunbar along the John Muir way which is 134 miles, in a day, all in aid of the little princess trust. This will be done on 14th June. Our story behind choosing this charity has been something we as a family have had to personally use….
3 years ago Freya began to develop thinning and small bald patches on her head, a few months later the hair would grow back, then about the same time the following year the cycle started again, only worse. This last cycle has now meant that unfortunately freya has lost all her hair. Our daughter is literally one of the most confident, resilient little girls I know with a power of strength that I could only imagine having. Freya has coped exceedingly well with being diagnosed with alopecia and continues to strive everyday despite the battles she is personally going through. We could not be any prouder if we tried.
In November we contacted the little princess trust to discuss potentially getting a wig to help Freya. Straight away this charity could not have been more helpful. From start to finish, she had her natural real hair wig within 6 weeks! Along with the help of LA hair solutions in Edinburgh who fitted and cut the wig, they have been lifesavers at making our little girl feel more comfortable in her own body.
We don’t know what the future will hold for Freya’s alopecia journey, as it’s something with very little research. For 3 years now I’ve read article after article on all aspects of alopecia, I’ve bought products to try and help, and we see a specialist. Whatever the outcome may be for Freya though, we know that keeping her spirits up and keeping that amazing confidence she has alive, will only make her a stronger person.
Any donations towards Gav’s cycle would be hugely appreciated. It costs roughly £500 per wig for the little princess trust to make. They also rely on people donating hair, and with covid, hair donations have been down in the last couple of years.
Thank you for listening to our story. We appreciate all friends and family who have been there for us as we navigate through this. Hair or not, Freya is and always will be our gorgeous warrior princess! This does not define her, it only makes her stronger
Nikki Stephen
The Little Princess Trust