Joice Family Surrogacy Fund
Donation protected
Hi there, were the Joice family and we're starting our surrogacy journey! The pregnancy journey hasn't always been easy for us. The first pregnancy we had in February 2018 ended in a miscarriage. We became pregnant shortly after and had a healthy boy named Logan, who is now three years old. Over the last three years, i've unfortunately had three miscarriages. My last one was in November 2022. After my pregnancy loss in October 2021, I was referred to a hematologist and was diagnosed at the beginning of January 2022 with a blood clotting disorder called Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor PAI-1 4G/5G and Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase (MTHFR) Gene. The blood clotting disorder and MTHFR gene only affect me when I'm pregnant and not on a daily basis. Once I was diagnosed, my OB and hematologist told me that if I became pregnant in the future, I would need to start taking daily injections of Lovenox and baby aspirin. Unfortunately, the Lovenox and baby aspirin isn't a cure, and there is a chance I could miscarry again. My husband and I found out we were pregnant again on October 22, 2022 and I started the Lovenox and baby aspirin combo on October 24, 2022. The first shot hurt and burned, but I had high hopes that the pain was worth it because I'd get another baby out of it. After taking the injections and aspirin religiously for two weeks, I woke up on Wednesday, November 9, 2022 to myself having another miscarriage. As much as I would be willing to try and conceive another baby, I've come to terms with the fact that my mental health can't handle the unknown, the stress or the loss of another baby. Ever since I was a little girl, i've always wanted a big family of my own, but since my body isn't allowing me to carry a pregnancy full term, my husband and I have decided to go the surrogacy route. After looking into different surrogacy agencies, the out of cost is anywhere between $75,000-$100,000. The out of cost goes towards agency fees, attorney fees, monthly allowances, IVF fees, medical expenses, etc. Since surrogacy is such a large expense, we are asking if you could please contribute towards our surrogacy fund. Any amount of money or even shares of this Go Fund Me is greatly appreciated, and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We can't wait to bring another baby into our family and see how amazing of a big brother Logan will be. Thank you again.
Jessica Joice
Arden, NV