Join Canopy Cordyceps in Conserving Nature
Donation protected
Our plan is to buy wild land and work with the Nature Conservancy to preserve it long-term. With your orders and donations, we'll buy ecologically sensitive land and then convert it to legally protected wilderness with an official conservation designation. Ideally, we'd also hope to open those areas up to some sort of recreational eco-tourism (ie. hiking, mushroom foraging, etc) with a neutral impact on the land. We hope our efforts save the habitats of ecologically & culturally valuable areas in our home country (USA). The more funds we build, the more land we can protect. Together, we can use mushrooms for good.
Our eyes are set on the forests of Maine & Massachusetts, the wetlands of Louisiana & Mississippi, and the river systems of Montana & Wyoming. Let's make sure these beautiful areas stay full of life and beautiful for generations to come.

Canopy Cordyceps
Cambridge, MA