Join John to Boost SOAR's Impact
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I am John Cerasani.
I got to know about Swift Outdoor Accessible Recreation, SOAR, this amazing 501 C3 nonprofit when I met Brian Swift on my show, The Partner. I have committed to help and support SOAR to empower individuals with physical and developmental disabilities to participate in outdoor activities such as camping, fishing, hiking, hunting, four wheeling, bicycling, and enjoy the great outdoors.
Today, we invite you to join us in providing essential funds to impact the disability community. Your donations, participation, and advocacy truly make a difference and mean the world to us. We look forward to staying connected in 2024 and beyond.
SOAR has published groundbreaking content for active wheelchair users. We share practical advice from wheelchair users across the country. We review life-changing technology and demand equity in work, healthcare, travel and all facets of life. But none of this is cheap, easy or profitable. These endeavors take thousands of hours and additional manpower. Your support helps us give wheelchair users the resources to build a fulfilling life.
In the United States, approximately 25% of people have some type of disability. Only 9.9% of adults with disabilities meet recommended physical activity guidelines, and nearly half of all adults with disabilities engage in zero leisure-time activity or aerobic activity.
People with disabilities receive fewer opportunities for physical exercise, outdoor activities, and recreation than do other Americans.
Recreation and outdoor activity provide a means to physical, mental, and emotional health and well-being for individuals with disabilities. Recreation can reduce pain, depression, stress, and anxiety; increase strength, and endurance. Aerobic activity boosts immune system activity, reduces pain and inflammation, and decreases the incidence and impact of chronic diseases, cancer, and stroke.
Unfortunately, insurance does not pay for accessible equipment and therapeutic opportunities. With your support, SOAR can help individuals with physical and developmental disabilities participate in outdoor activities that provide many physical, mental, social, and emotional benefits.
Today, our responsibility of providing transformative experiences, equipment and uplifting individuals and communities is one we approach with utmost dedication.
We hope you will partner with SOAR to enrich the lives of children and adults with disabilities and help them to get out and enjoy the great outdoors.

John Cerasani
Mokena, IL
Swift Outdoor Accessible Recreation-SOAR