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The Backstory:

In the summer of 2017, Colin began experiencing knee pain. Always one to tough things out, Colin thought it was perhaps a temporary injury that would soon pass. Over time, the pain progressively got worse. He started noticing weakness in his right leg. Then significant swelling appeared. With the symptoms intensifying, Colin scheduled an MRI of his right knee in November 2017.

The Findings:

The MRI reading provided startling results. There was a golf ball sized mass growing inside of his femur. And it was aggressive. On November 30, 2017, Colin's local doctors referred him to MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. Once there, a biopsy determined the diagnosis: Pleomorphic Spindle Cell Sarcoma.

The Treatment:

Initially, the treatment plan consisted of chemotherapy, surgery to remove the mass, and then a second round of chemotherapy to ensure all was gone. This was to be done in Amarillo, where Colin could remain home with his wife, family, and friends.

A meeting with the medical team at MD Anderson unexpectedly changed those plans. The tumor was more aggressive than initially realized, and therefore treatment would have to be more aggressive. Colin's treatment would now need to be completed under the supervision of the medical team at MD Anderson.

The new treatment plan was determined: 3 months of chemotherapy, 1 month of respite, and then surgery to remove the mass. Additional chemotherapy will then be administered based on the effectiveness of the initial rounds of chemotherapy and surgery.

During this entire duration of chemotherapy, surgery, and more chemotherapy, Colin will have to stay in Houston. He and his wife leased an apartment near the MD Anderson medical campus. His wife and dad are his amazing and loving caretakers, rotating weeks as to balance caretaking while maintaining their jobs.

How You Can Help:

Cancer affects everyone, but one can never fully prepare to find themselves in this position. The emotional and financial toll is crippling.

In addition to asking for all prayer warriors to pray on Colin's behalf, we are also asking for your consideration in helping with the insurmountable financial strain the Tawwater’s are facing.

Any donation you generously provide will greatly help Colin throughout his fight. The money you give will grant financial assistance and relief for medical bills, an apartment lease on top of a home mortgage, and travel expenses, and will drastically decrease the stress involved in this situation and allow Colin to focus on the thing that matters most: his battle.

Thank you, all, for your love and generosity.

Post Op Healing:
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  • Ruby Garza
    • $20
    • 6 yrs
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Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Johnna Hartley
Amarillo, TX
Sarah Tawwater

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt