Join UR4Africa: Build a Brighter Future
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UR4Africa Project, Inc., founded in 2013, is a pan-African space that creates a pathway for the global African diaspora to collaborate with people living in Africa to uplift Africa.
As a registered 501c(3) organization, we intend to curate intersectional opportunities for people interested in community building, skill-sharing, investment, and exchanging positive experiences and stories about the continent of Africa.
For the last 11 years, we have had the opportunity to host people interested in making a difference on the beautiful continent.
Emmanuel Oni in 2016 taking a picture with students who participated in the Climate Change Architecture project.
We have facilitated travel opportunities for both our youths and our mentors. Inspiring new ideas and collaborations between people of different backgrounds.
PAA Leads meeting OLA Benin Republic-based organization participants after facilitating several creative workshops in 2023.
We have developed projects that inspire confidence in one's self, and new ways of seeing the world around us.
Area F Police Station was reimagined by PAA art mentors, students, and the police force in 2017.
College Prep participants and their coordinators celebrating the last week of the program in 2024.
A collaboration between GEK Media and UR4Afric, this PSA focuses on voter fraud and was selected for the Lift-Off Film Festival.
We are fundraising for the following:
- A move to a more central location in Lagos, so that we can facilitate our program at more schools.
- Grants for our Leads who were former PAA students and now facilitate programs. These funds are to help our students in crisis or pay for college or purchase materials such as art supplies and books.
- To cover transportation (a bus) for our 2024/2025 College Prep cohort for excursions and workshops that take place twice a month.
- Presently, Nigeria is facing a humanitarian crisis where citizens are dealing with a lack of access to food. We would like to provide small food packages to people in our community monthly. This would be led by students.
There are so many different ways to get involved, it's just a matter of choosing to.
Learn more about our organization at
The only way forward is together.
Let's build!
Olubusola Ajayi
Brooklyn, NY
UR4Africa Project, Inc.