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Join Us in Tylee’s Battle Against Cancer

Spende geschützt
Tylee Craft is an extraordinary young man who has been bravely battling a rare form of cancer, stage 4 large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma of the lung, since March 14, 2022. This aggressive cancer has spread to his liver, brain, and spine, yet Tylee remains a beacon of hope and positivity for everyone around him.

As a dedicated football player at UNC Chapel Hill, Tylee has transitioned to coaching after medically retiring due to his condition. Remarkably, he still attends practices and games, showing up at 6 AM with a smile on his face, embodying true resilience and bravery. He graduated this past spring 2024 and continues to pursue his education in graduate school while juggling treatment.

Recently, however, Tylee's health has declined, and we are now seeking care out of state to provide him with the best possible options. As Tylee continues his journey, he needs our support to help cover medical expenses and ensure he receives the care he deserves. By coming together as a community, we can make a meaningful difference in his life. Your contributions, no matter the size, will help Tylee focus on his healing and recovery. Thank you for standing with him during this challenging time!


Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Olivia Deepak
Chapel Hill, NC
Tylee Craft

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