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Join Watson Ellison Foundation in Alzheimer's Fight

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Campaign Story for The Watson Ellison Foundation
Title: Join Us in the Fight Against Alzheimer's Disease – Support The Watson Ellison Foundation
Alzheimer's disease is a heart-wrenching reality for many families, including our founder, Anjanette Ellison. Witnessing the devastating impact of Alzheimer's on her loved ones, Anjanette was inspired to create The Watson Ellison Foundation in 2021. Our mission is simple yet profound: to raise awareness about Alzheimer's disease, provide essential support to caregivers, and advocate for Alzheimer's as a priority in our communities.
Our Mission:
The Watson Ellison Foundation offers a comprehensive range of services and initiatives to support individuals and families affected by Alzheimer's disease:
• Alzheimer's Awareness: We run educational campaigns, seminars, and provide online resources to help communities recognize the early signs of Alzheimer's disease. Early detection is crucial in managing the progression of the disease, and through our efforts, we aim to empower individuals with knowledge and understanding. Our awareness programs are designed to reach a wide audience, ensuring that more people can recognize the symptoms early and seek appropriate help.
• Caregiver Support: Caring for someone with Alzheimer's can be an overwhelming and isolating experience. We offer support groups, workshops, and counseling services tailored to the unique needs of caregivers, ensuring they don't face this journey alone. Our programs provide emotional support, practical advice, and a sense of community for those who dedicate their lives to caring for others. By offering these resources, we help caregivers maintain their well-being and provide the best possible care for their loved ones.
• Resource Center: Our hub of information and guides empowers individuals and families dealing with Alzheimer's, providing them with the knowledge and resources they need. From understanding the stages of Alzheimer's to finding local support services, our Resource Center is a one-stop shop for comprehensive, reliable information. We believe that informed families are better equipped to navigate the challenges of Alzheimer's and make informed decisions about care and treatment.
• Community Engagement: We organize regular events, fundraisers, and social gatherings to foster a sense of community and raise vital funds for our initiatives. Our events not only provide much-needed funding but also create opportunities for individuals and families to connect, share their experiences, and find mutual support. These gatherings strengthen our community and remind everyone affected by Alzheimer's that they are not alone.
• Advocacy: We are actively involved in shaping local and state policies related to Alzheimer's care and support with other organziations, fighting for the needs of those affected by the disease. Through our advocacy efforts, we work to ensure that Alzheimer's is recognized as a public health priority, leading to better funding, research, and care options. Our goal is to influence policy changes that will improve the lives of individuals and families dealing with Alzheimer's now and in the future.

Why We Need Your Help:
To continue and expand our vital work, we are seeking to raise $25,000. These funds will be used to cover operational costs, organize events, improve our online presence, and support the communities we serve in Vallejo, Contra Costa County, Solano County, California. Your donation will help us maintain our programs, reach more people, and make a bigger impact in the fight against Alzheimer's.
Why Support Us:
1. Community Impact: Your support will help us raise awareness, support caregivers, and advocate for improved Alzheimer's care and policies, directly benefiting those in need. Our initiatives are designed to make a real difference in the lives of individuals and families affected by Alzheimer's, and your contribution will enable us to continue this important work.
2. Local Focus: We are deeply rooted in our local communities, making a tangible difference where it's needed most. By focusing on specific areas, we can tailor our programs to meet the unique needs of each community, ensuring that our support is both relevant and effective.
3. Transparency: We prioritize transparency in financial management and program impact, ensuring your contribution makes a meaningful and visible difference. We are committed to providing regular updates on our progress and how your donations are being used, so you can see the direct impact of your generosity.
Our Commitment:
The Watson Ellison Foundation is committed to making Alzheimer's disease better understood, early detection more common, and the lives of caregivers easier. With your support, we can continue to be a beacon of hope and advocate for change in the fight against Alzheimer's. Our dedication to this cause is unwavering, and we will not rest until Alzheimer's is no longer a source of suffering for so many families.
Join Us:
Join us in our mission to make a lasting impact on individuals and families affected by Alzheimer's disease. Together, we can create a world where Alzheimer's is better understood, early detection is common, and caregivers receive the support they deserve. Your support will help us continue our work and expand our reach, providing hope and help to those who need it most.

Donation Call-to-Action:
Your generous donation can make a world of difference. Every dollar brings us closer to a world where Alzheimer's is not a devastating diagnosis but a manageable condition. Help us provide the support and resources our communities need.
Donate Now and be part of the change. Your contribution will have a direct and lasting impact on the lives of individuals and families affected by Alzheimer's.

Thank you for your support and compassion. Together, we can make a difference.
Management Team:
• Anjanette Ellison - President:
o Role: As the foundation's President, Anjanette provides overall leadership and direction to the organization.
o Responsibilities: Anjanette is responsible for setting the strategic vision, overseeing operations, and ensuring that the foundation's mission is carried out effectively. She leverages her 33 years of experience working for the federal government, particularly at the Social Security Administration, to guide the foundation's efforts.
• Tamara Carlson - Vice President:
o Role: Tamara serves as the Vice President and is pivotal in supporting the President's vision and assisting with organizational leadership.
o Responsibilities: Tamara collaborates closely with Anjanette to help implement strategies, manage day-to-day operations, and represent the foundation when needed. She brings her expertise and commitment to the foundation's mission.
• Tanya Trosclair - Secretary/Treasurer:
o Role: Tanya holds the position of Secretary/Treasurer and oversees the foundation's essential administrative and financial aspects.
o Responsibilities: Tanya manages record-keeping, documentation, and financial matters, ensuring transparency and accountability. She is vital in maintaining the foundation's financial health and regulatory compliance.
Core Values:
1. Compassion: We approach every individual we serve with empathy and understanding, recognizing their unique challenges with Alzheimer's disease. Compassion drives our commitment to making a positive impact.
2. Empowerment: We empower caregivers, individuals with Alzheimer's disease, and the community with knowledge, resources, and support. We believe in fostering independence and self-advocacy.
3. Community: We believe in the strength of community collaboration. Together, we can achieve more and actively seek partnerships and connections to expand our reach and impact.
4. Inclusivity: We are committed to inclusivity and diversity. We welcome and respect people from all backgrounds and strive to create an environment where everyone feels valued and heard.
5. Education: Education is at the heart of our mission. We are dedicated to raising awareness about Alzheimer's disease and providing valuable information to help individuals detect and manage the condition effectively.
6. Integrity: We operate with the highest integrity, transparency, and ethical conduct. Our stakeholders can trust us to use resources efficiently and make ethical decisions that align with our mission.
7. Innovation: We embrace innovation and adaptability in addressing the evolving challenges of Alzheimer's disease. We continually seek new ways to improve our services and reach more people.
8. Respect: We treat all individuals with dignity and respect, regardless of their circumstances. We honor the choices and preferences of those we serve and advocate for their rights.
9. Accountability: We hold ourselves accountable for the outcomes of our actions and our impact on the community. We are committed to continuous improvement and learning.
10. Hope: We offer hope to individuals and families with Alzheimer's disease. Through our efforts, we believe in making a positive difference and working toward a future where Alzheimer's is better understood and managed.

Keys to Success:
1. Clear Mission and Vision: A well-defined mission and vision statement provides the foundation's clear direction and purpose. Ensure that all team members are aligned with these guiding principles.
2. Passionate Leadership: Passionate and dedicated leadership, as Anjanette Ellison exemplifies, is crucial. Leaders who are deeply committed to the foundation's mission can inspire and drive the team.
3. Effective Team Collaboration: Foster a collaborative and cohesive team environment where members understand their roles and work together toward common goals.
4. Community Engagement: Actively engage with the local community and target cities. Build relationships with community organizations, healthcare providers, and caregivers to enhance your reach and impact.
5. Awareness Campaigns: Invest in effective awareness campaigns and educational initiatives to inform the public about Alzheimer's disease, its early signs, and the importance of caregiving support.
6. Resource Accessibility: Ensure that your foundation provides easily accessible resources for caregivers and individuals with Alzheimer's. This can include online resources, helplines, and in-person support.
7. Fundraising and Financial Sustainability: Develop a robust fundraising strategy to secure the financial resources needed to operate and expand your programs. Diversify funding sources to reduce reliance on a single revenue stream.
8. Transparency and Accountability: Maintain transparency in your financial operations and demonstrate accountability to donors and stakeholders. Communicate how funds are utilized and the impact they have on your mission.
9. Community Events and Engagement: Host community events, support groups, and educational seminars to create a strong support network. These events can also raise awareness and attract potential donors.
10. Adaptability and Innovation: Stay adaptable and open to new ideas and strategies. The healthcare landscape and the needs of caregivers and individuals with Alzheimer's can evolve, so be prepared to innovate.
11. Measurable Impact: Continuously measure and evaluate the impact of your programs. Collect data and feedback to demonstrate the effectiveness of your services and make improvements as needed.
12. Advocacy and Policy Engagement: Advocate for policies and initiatives that support Alzheimer's patients and caregivers. Engage with local and state policymakers to influence change.
13. Networking and Partnerships: Build strategic partnerships with organizations, healthcare providers, and government agencies sharing your mission. Collaborative efforts can amplify your impact.
14. Long-Term Sustainability: Develop a long-term plan to ensure the foundation's work can continue beyond the initial stages. Consider building an endowment or securing multi-year grants.
15. Communication and Outreach: Maintain a strong online presence through your website and social media. Effective communication can help you connect with a broader audience and keep stakeholders informed.

General Company Description:
• Owner: Anjanette Ellison
• Legal Status: Non-Profit
• Business Location: 301 George St. Ste 120,Vallejo, CA 94589
• Website:
Company Summary:
The Watson Ellison Foundation is a nonprofit organization established in 2021 with a passionate commitment to making a positive impact on the lives of individuals and families affected by Alzheimer's disease. Founded by Anjanette Ellison, who brings over three decades of experience from her federal government career, particularly at the Social Security Administration, the foundation's inception was driven by a personal connection to Alzheimer's disease and the desire to create meaningful change.
The foundation is headquartered in Fairfield, California, and serves communities across several key cities and counties in California, including Vallejo, Fairfield, Richmond, Oakland, Contra Costa County, Solano County, and Alameda County. We have an additional office in Vallejo, located at 301 Georgia St. Plaza #120, Vallejo, CA 94589.
To sensitize communities to the early signs of Alzheimer's disease, facilitate accessible treatment, and provide unwavering support to caregivers. We are dedicated to making a positive impact on the lives of individuals and families affected by Alzheimer's, with a special focus on middle-class families often excluded from state programs.

Our vision is a world where Alzheimer's disease is better understood, early detection is commonplace, and caregivers receive the comprehensive support they deserve. We strive to be a beacon of hope and a driving force behind change in the fight against Alzheimer's, advocating for a society that prioritizes the well-being of those impacted by this challenging condition.

Short-Term Objectives (1-2 years):
1. Raise Awareness: Conduct a series of community awareness campaigns and educational seminars to reach a minimum of 2,000 individuals in our target cities about the early signs and symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.
2. Support Caregivers: Establish regular support group meetings and caregiving workshops, assisting at least 100 caregivers in the first year.
3. Secure Funding: Secure a minimum of $50,000 in grants, donations, and sponsorships to support the foundation's operations, events, and initiatives.
4. Community Engagement: Organize at least four community events, such as fundraisers, pop-up awareness campaigns, or educational conferences, reaching a combined total of 1,000 community members.
Mid-Term Objectives (3-5 years):
1. Expanded Reach: Extend the foundation's reach to include additional cities or counties within California, increasing the number of individuals served by 50% over five years.
2. Resource Accessibility: Develop a comprehensive online platform offering resources, guides, and a helpline, expanding support to caregivers nationwide.
3. Advocacy Impact: Successfully advocate for Alzheimer's awareness and caregiver support policies at the local and state levels, influencing at least three policy changes.
4. Sustainability: Establish an endowment fund to ensure the long-term sustainability of the foundation's operations.
Long-Term Objectives (5+ years):
1. National Presence: Expand the foundation's reach to serve communities beyond California, reaching a national audience and collaborating with other Alzheimer's organizations.
2. Research Support: Allocate a portion of funds to support Alzheimer's research efforts, contributing to advancements in understanding and treatment.
3. Policy Influence: Play a significant role in shaping federal policies related to Alzheimer's disease and caregiver support, influencing legislation or programs that improve the lives of those affected.
4. Global Impact: Collaborate with international organizations to contribute to the global fight against Alzheimer's disease, sharing best practices and resources.

1-2 years
open a day program to give caregivers a break during the day in Vallejo a day program is like a day; care hours 8am-6pm

3-5 years
have enough funding to open another day program in another city to be able to charge minimal or almost free at all our day program sites
Use of Fund Cost
1 Programs and Services 18,750
2 Operational Costs 3,750
3 Marketing and Outreach 1,250
4 Miscellaneous 1,250
Total Expenses 25,000

By joining hands with The Watson Ellison Foundation, you are contributing to a cause that aims to transform lives, bring hope, and create a supportive community for all those affected by Alzheimer's disease. Your support is invaluable and deeply appreciated. Together, we can make a lasting difference.

Donations (2)

  • Linda Carey
    • $100
    • 1 mo
  • Anjanette Ellison
    • $5
    • 2 mos
Become an early supporter

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Anjanette Ellison
Vallejo, CA
Watson-Ellison Foundation

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