Jolly Allotment Community Cafe - 'Jolly Trolly'
Donation protected
Jolly Allotment Goodness Community Cafe and Education Hub.
Gut friendly, Organic, Gluten Free, Sustainable Goodness For Wellness - Seasonal Food on the Move
We are so passionate that this can help so may people! Two of our primal human needs for health are community and kindness, We feel so excited to be funding this project by creating a membership community as it feels so right for the values we adhere to.
We want to offer you membership in return for your kindness so here are the opportunities.
All membership donations will be automatically signed up for our mailing list If you can’t spare a few pounds at this time then please sign up for the Jolly Journal for free via the website www.jollyallotment.co.uk.
£5.00 Donation - Virtual Coffee Club: Support the dream with a virtual coffee.
If all our Instagram follows donated towards a virtual coffee we would have the funds to finish the build every pound helps!
£10.00 Donation - Jolly Coffee Club Membership : Join us at The Jolly Trolly at a public event in the future for a chat, a coffee and a cookie.
£25.00 Donation -Jolly Brunch Club Membership: Join us at The Jolly Trolly at a public event in the future for lunch or breakfast accompanied by a delicious veggie juice and a hot drink of your choice.
£55.00 Donation- Jolly Supper Club Membership: Join us at a Supper Club in nature a three course fixed menu feast.
This gives you early bird priority booking for a supper club event of your choice subject to availability.
£95.00 Donation - Jolly Gutsy Gathering Membership: Join us for a Jolly Gutsy Gathering. A day retreat in nature with a fireside feast with workshops on gut health, connection with nature and yourself, ran by incredible speakers. This gives you early bird priority booking for gutsy gathering of your choice subject to availability.
£200.00 Donation - Founder Jolly Trolly Membership:
Tickets to the Jolly Trolly opening Gathering
Jolly Coffee Club Membership
Jolly Brunch Club Membership
First Priority on early bird ticket price for future events
Your social media handle on the Jolly Trolly community mural.
£500.00 Life Time Jolly Trolly Membership:
Tickets to the Jolly Trolly opening Gathering
Jolly Coffee Club Membership
Jolly Brunch Club Membership
Complimentary tickets to one gutsy gathering or one supper club a year.
10% discount on standard tickets for future events.
Your social media handle on the Jolly Trolly community mural and manifesto
If you would like to invest a larger sum or If you have any catering equipment you would like to donate we’d be most grateful and would love to talk to you please contact Polly [email redacted].uk
We would love you to join the Jolly Allotment membership program. We know how important this project is going to be. For so many people suffering from anxiety, depression Coeliac disease or autoimmune symptoms it will be a life line. So I's love you to please consider joining our membership and helping me create this wellness and gut health education hub. We promise you this is going to be a wonderful project to be apart of. If all our followers on Instagram purchased one coffee and cookie membership we would have the funds to finish the build and purchase the equipment needed to launch.
Jolly Allotment is a place for you to discover the power and joy of growing your own food and living a gut healthy lifestyle. It is a place to help you nurture your connection with yourself, your food and nature, for a jollier, calmer and healthier you.
Goodness For Wellness - Seasonal Food and Education on the Move.
We create entertaining and educational coeliac friendly feasts and experiences for all. We educate on the exciting benefits of gut health and growing your own food and how being more connected with your food and nature can save you from illness, depression and anxiety.
We are converting this beautiful old trailer into a coeliac friendly community wellness cafe for events and festivals. We will be serving up delicious organic goodness. Veggie juices, great healthy breakfasts, tasty soups, curry, salads, scrumptious cakes. Seasonal and ethically sourced all gluten free and coeliac friendly.
This mobile community centre will be a place to share our passion for sustainable, fresh organic produce and a celebration of the importance of gut health for mind and body. At the heart of this venture will be educational talks and discussion around growing your own organic food, our food culture, gut health and natural healing practices and sustainable lifestyles. To feed your curiosity and help you find trust in a different way. Our workshops will highlight how simple and tasty gut friendly, unprocessed food is and how important it is for our physical and mental health.
I need your help to turn this neglected trailer into a beautiful organic educational cafe on wheels. We are half way through the project and due to Covid 19 we lost our investor due to their financial difficulties so we are in need of help with the funds to finish the trailer and buy some equipment such as the coffee machine and powerful juicer and ovens. We have postponed our opening until August but very much need your help to pull this together.
We are so passionate that this can help so may people! Two of our primal human needs for health are community and kindness, We feel so excited to be funding this project by creating a membership community as it feels so right for the values we adhere to.
We want to offer you membership in return for your kindness so here are the opportunities.
Jolly Allotment Goodness for Wellness Community Cafe and Education Hub.
The Jolly Trolly - More information.
I am converting this beautiful old trailer into a mobile wellness hub for farmers' markets, festivals and events. We will be serving up delicious organic goodness. Veggie juices, great healthy breakfasts, tasty soups, curry, salads, scrumptious cakes. Seasonal and ethically sourced goodness for wellness. All gluten free and coeliac friendly.
The Jolly Trolly will be a place to share my passion for sustainable, fresh organic produce and a celebration of the importance of gut health for mind and body. A mobile community centre for educational talks and discussion around organic growing, gut friendly eating and creating a sustainable lifestyle. To highlight how simple tasty gut friendly, unprocessed food is and how important it is for our physical and mental health.

I need your help to turn this neglected trailer into a beautiful allotment themed organic educational cafe on wheels.

But Why?
In 2014 I got very sick and to help heal myself I needed to repair my guts. The results have been remarkable and I want to help others learn how to make similar choices so they can improve their health. I am lucky to have some wonderful friends that work in the field of Natural Health and Wellbeing. When I got sick in 2014 they could see I was in need of guidance to help me get well so they set me on a journey to a more organic, chemical free, gut friendly, processed food free life. With the help of my brilliant nutritionist and chiropractor, my dog and my allotment. I now manage my autoimmune issues without the need for regular medication.
Why on the move?
I've been a professional events and editorial photographer for 20 years. I've found it to be virtually impossible to find a street food vender that fully understands the seriousness of coeliac needs. Lots of things contain gluten you would never think of. I found it difficult to find truly un processed foods that suited my diet which was so necessary for me to stay well enough to do my job. It’s so great to go away and enjoy festivals and outdoor events but I can’t bear coming home feeling terrible for days from poor nutrition. I need a good nutritious breakfast to get my body going in the morning and I've found this hard to find so it has really limited my experience of festivals and outdoor events. I speak to so many people with the same food desires that just sacrifice their health for a few days but for me as a freelancer feeling ill isn't an option.

The Plan
I want to share my journey with the Jolly Allotment through the Jolly Trolly and get on the road! In the hope it will inspire others that are suffering from chronic illness, stress, fatigue or sadness to make small changes to how they live so they can feel well. I want to encourage people to get growing and choosing organic options that are better for us and for our planet.
The Jolly Trolly will be a custom built Allotment Kitchen serving up gloriously tasty, sustainable, seasonal, organic grub. All completely coeliac friendly and good for your guts, mind, body and soul. With Autoimmune Paleo options too. A beautiful space where people can come and eat a nutritious breakfast, lunch or tea to get the nutrition their body needs to prepare for wild times or repair from the night before festivities.

Wellness, Wellbeing & Natural Healing are all really scary terms. When I first came across them they seemed different, unscientific, woo woo or la la. But actually backed up by science and proven by my experience and the experience of others it is powerful stuff. Four years ago - you would have never heard me say this! So I want to create a live and online space that introduces people to the world of looking after ourselves from the inside out. A big part of my journey was learning to grow my own organic food this not only improved my physical health but also incredibly my mental health. So I want to encourage others to do the same and show them it is more simple than they imagine.
I Need Your Help!
To keep costs down and because I love a challenge I am doing most of the conversion myself. I really need your help, raising the funds to achieve this goal.
If you would like to support my dream, I’d be so grateful!
Progress So Far....
We're All In It Together!
This will be a community space where people can talk about their health problems openly and learn new life skills and ways of dealing with whatever life throws at them. All while enjoying great nutritious tasty healthy grub. When you donate you are helping me create a safe place for this discussion and for coeliacs and autoimmune sufferers to eat when out and about.
When I had to change my diet I lost the wonderful feeling I got from enjoying a beautiful meal with like minded friends. There is still a certain amount of trepidation when eating out particularly street food so I want to provide a safe honest knowledgeable community hub where people can eat well, feel well and have a wonderful experience.
In Return For Your Investment...
You will receive a warm welcome at the Jolly Trolly wherever we appear and as a Jolly Community member you can enjoy tickets or grub to the value of your donation.
If you wish, you will have the chance to write about your wellness journey in the Jolly Journal.
There is power in community and sharing conversation and experiences so lets get building!!
What is the crowd funding money for?
I am hoping to raise enough money to finish the conversion to the high spec required for food service regulations. Invest in the equipment I need to get the show on the road for example kitchen equipment, solar panels for power and a back up generator, water heaters, wind power, fridges, coffee machine, awnings.
I have invested everything I had left after some hefty medical bills and nearly 2 years only working part-time due to my health. I am well now and back at work enjoying converting the trailer in my spare time. My Go Fund Me target is what I ultimately need to achieve the dream it will get us on the road and give us a great platform to build on so we can begin to reach as many people as possible to promote better gut and mental health.
What happens if I don't make the target? It will just take longer to get on the road, but we will get there I am determined!
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this plea. If you would like to read more about my story or subscribe to my Journal please go to www.jollyallotment.co.uk and read my story.
Please share this with like minded people who you think might be interested in joining our Jolly Community.
I look forward to welcoming you to the community hub some day soon!
Best wishes Keep Well and Keep going!!
Yours hopefully
Polly x
Gut friendly, Organic, Gluten Free, Sustainable Goodness For Wellness - Seasonal Food on the Move
We are so passionate that this can help so may people! Two of our primal human needs for health are community and kindness, We feel so excited to be funding this project by creating a membership community as it feels so right for the values we adhere to.
We want to offer you membership in return for your kindness so here are the opportunities.
All membership donations will be automatically signed up for our mailing list If you can’t spare a few pounds at this time then please sign up for the Jolly Journal for free via the website www.jollyallotment.co.uk.
£5.00 Donation - Virtual Coffee Club: Support the dream with a virtual coffee.
If all our Instagram follows donated towards a virtual coffee we would have the funds to finish the build every pound helps!
£10.00 Donation - Jolly Coffee Club Membership : Join us at The Jolly Trolly at a public event in the future for a chat, a coffee and a cookie.
£25.00 Donation -Jolly Brunch Club Membership: Join us at The Jolly Trolly at a public event in the future for lunch or breakfast accompanied by a delicious veggie juice and a hot drink of your choice.
£55.00 Donation- Jolly Supper Club Membership: Join us at a Supper Club in nature a three course fixed menu feast.
This gives you early bird priority booking for a supper club event of your choice subject to availability.
£95.00 Donation - Jolly Gutsy Gathering Membership: Join us for a Jolly Gutsy Gathering. A day retreat in nature with a fireside feast with workshops on gut health, connection with nature and yourself, ran by incredible speakers. This gives you early bird priority booking for gutsy gathering of your choice subject to availability.
£200.00 Donation - Founder Jolly Trolly Membership:
Tickets to the Jolly Trolly opening Gathering
Jolly Coffee Club Membership
Jolly Brunch Club Membership
First Priority on early bird ticket price for future events
Your social media handle on the Jolly Trolly community mural.
£500.00 Life Time Jolly Trolly Membership:
Tickets to the Jolly Trolly opening Gathering
Jolly Coffee Club Membership
Jolly Brunch Club Membership
Complimentary tickets to one gutsy gathering or one supper club a year.
10% discount on standard tickets for future events.
Your social media handle on the Jolly Trolly community mural and manifesto
If you would like to invest a larger sum or If you have any catering equipment you would like to donate we’d be most grateful and would love to talk to you please contact Polly [email redacted].uk
We would love you to join the Jolly Allotment membership program. We know how important this project is going to be. For so many people suffering from anxiety, depression Coeliac disease or autoimmune symptoms it will be a life line. So I's love you to please consider joining our membership and helping me create this wellness and gut health education hub. We promise you this is going to be a wonderful project to be apart of. If all our followers on Instagram purchased one coffee and cookie membership we would have the funds to finish the build and purchase the equipment needed to launch.
Jolly Allotment is a place for you to discover the power and joy of growing your own food and living a gut healthy lifestyle. It is a place to help you nurture your connection with yourself, your food and nature, for a jollier, calmer and healthier you.
Goodness For Wellness - Seasonal Food and Education on the Move.
We create entertaining and educational coeliac friendly feasts and experiences for all. We educate on the exciting benefits of gut health and growing your own food and how being more connected with your food and nature can save you from illness, depression and anxiety.
We are converting this beautiful old trailer into a coeliac friendly community wellness cafe for events and festivals. We will be serving up delicious organic goodness. Veggie juices, great healthy breakfasts, tasty soups, curry, salads, scrumptious cakes. Seasonal and ethically sourced all gluten free and coeliac friendly.
This mobile community centre will be a place to share our passion for sustainable, fresh organic produce and a celebration of the importance of gut health for mind and body. At the heart of this venture will be educational talks and discussion around growing your own organic food, our food culture, gut health and natural healing practices and sustainable lifestyles. To feed your curiosity and help you find trust in a different way. Our workshops will highlight how simple and tasty gut friendly, unprocessed food is and how important it is for our physical and mental health.
I need your help to turn this neglected trailer into a beautiful organic educational cafe on wheels. We are half way through the project and due to Covid 19 we lost our investor due to their financial difficulties so we are in need of help with the funds to finish the trailer and buy some equipment such as the coffee machine and powerful juicer and ovens. We have postponed our opening until August but very much need your help to pull this together.
We are so passionate that this can help so may people! Two of our primal human needs for health are community and kindness, We feel so excited to be funding this project by creating a membership community as it feels so right for the values we adhere to.
We want to offer you membership in return for your kindness so here are the opportunities.
Jolly Allotment Goodness for Wellness Community Cafe and Education Hub.
The Jolly Trolly - More information.
I am converting this beautiful old trailer into a mobile wellness hub for farmers' markets, festivals and events. We will be serving up delicious organic goodness. Veggie juices, great healthy breakfasts, tasty soups, curry, salads, scrumptious cakes. Seasonal and ethically sourced goodness for wellness. All gluten free and coeliac friendly.
The Jolly Trolly will be a place to share my passion for sustainable, fresh organic produce and a celebration of the importance of gut health for mind and body. A mobile community centre for educational talks and discussion around organic growing, gut friendly eating and creating a sustainable lifestyle. To highlight how simple tasty gut friendly, unprocessed food is and how important it is for our physical and mental health.

I need your help to turn this neglected trailer into a beautiful allotment themed organic educational cafe on wheels.

But Why?
In 2014 I got very sick and to help heal myself I needed to repair my guts. The results have been remarkable and I want to help others learn how to make similar choices so they can improve their health. I am lucky to have some wonderful friends that work in the field of Natural Health and Wellbeing. When I got sick in 2014 they could see I was in need of guidance to help me get well so they set me on a journey to a more organic, chemical free, gut friendly, processed food free life. With the help of my brilliant nutritionist and chiropractor, my dog and my allotment. I now manage my autoimmune issues without the need for regular medication.
Why on the move?
I've been a professional events and editorial photographer for 20 years. I've found it to be virtually impossible to find a street food vender that fully understands the seriousness of coeliac needs. Lots of things contain gluten you would never think of. I found it difficult to find truly un processed foods that suited my diet which was so necessary for me to stay well enough to do my job. It’s so great to go away and enjoy festivals and outdoor events but I can’t bear coming home feeling terrible for days from poor nutrition. I need a good nutritious breakfast to get my body going in the morning and I've found this hard to find so it has really limited my experience of festivals and outdoor events. I speak to so many people with the same food desires that just sacrifice their health for a few days but for me as a freelancer feeling ill isn't an option.

The Plan
I want to share my journey with the Jolly Allotment through the Jolly Trolly and get on the road! In the hope it will inspire others that are suffering from chronic illness, stress, fatigue or sadness to make small changes to how they live so they can feel well. I want to encourage people to get growing and choosing organic options that are better for us and for our planet.
The Jolly Trolly will be a custom built Allotment Kitchen serving up gloriously tasty, sustainable, seasonal, organic grub. All completely coeliac friendly and good for your guts, mind, body and soul. With Autoimmune Paleo options too. A beautiful space where people can come and eat a nutritious breakfast, lunch or tea to get the nutrition their body needs to prepare for wild times or repair from the night before festivities.

Wellness, Wellbeing & Natural Healing are all really scary terms. When I first came across them they seemed different, unscientific, woo woo or la la. But actually backed up by science and proven by my experience and the experience of others it is powerful stuff. Four years ago - you would have never heard me say this! So I want to create a live and online space that introduces people to the world of looking after ourselves from the inside out. A big part of my journey was learning to grow my own organic food this not only improved my physical health but also incredibly my mental health. So I want to encourage others to do the same and show them it is more simple than they imagine.
I Need Your Help!
To keep costs down and because I love a challenge I am doing most of the conversion myself. I really need your help, raising the funds to achieve this goal.
If you would like to support my dream, I’d be so grateful!
Progress So Far....
We're All In It Together!
This will be a community space where people can talk about their health problems openly and learn new life skills and ways of dealing with whatever life throws at them. All while enjoying great nutritious tasty healthy grub. When you donate you are helping me create a safe place for this discussion and for coeliacs and autoimmune sufferers to eat when out and about.
When I had to change my diet I lost the wonderful feeling I got from enjoying a beautiful meal with like minded friends. There is still a certain amount of trepidation when eating out particularly street food so I want to provide a safe honest knowledgeable community hub where people can eat well, feel well and have a wonderful experience.
In Return For Your Investment...
You will receive a warm welcome at the Jolly Trolly wherever we appear and as a Jolly Community member you can enjoy tickets or grub to the value of your donation.
If you wish, you will have the chance to write about your wellness journey in the Jolly Journal.
There is power in community and sharing conversation and experiences so lets get building!!
What is the crowd funding money for?
I am hoping to raise enough money to finish the conversion to the high spec required for food service regulations. Invest in the equipment I need to get the show on the road for example kitchen equipment, solar panels for power and a back up generator, water heaters, wind power, fridges, coffee machine, awnings.
I have invested everything I had left after some hefty medical bills and nearly 2 years only working part-time due to my health. I am well now and back at work enjoying converting the trailer in my spare time. My Go Fund Me target is what I ultimately need to achieve the dream it will get us on the road and give us a great platform to build on so we can begin to reach as many people as possible to promote better gut and mental health.
What happens if I don't make the target? It will just take longer to get on the road, but we will get there I am determined!
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this plea. If you would like to read more about my story or subscribe to my Journal please go to www.jollyallotment.co.uk and read my story.
Please share this with like minded people who you think might be interested in joining our Jolly Community.
I look forward to welcoming you to the community hub some day soon!
Best wishes Keep Well and Keep going!!
Yours hopefully
Polly x
Polly Baldwin