Jonny and Juliet are adopting!
"Pure and undefiled religion before God the Father is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained from the world." James 1:27
Jonny and Juliet have embarked on the journey to care for the orphans as Jesus has commanded. They have already covered $10,000+ of the expenses, but adoptions can cost upwards of $30,000+. They are very excited for this next chapter in their life and would love if you could partner with them financially, prayerfully, and of course, when the time comes, by showering them and their new child with meals and love.
I wanted to put this gofundme together to help them as they navigate this process of adoption. Any amount is helpful to them and I know they would be very encouraged to see their family and friends supporting them as they seek to care for these precious children who need a loving home. Please be praying for the child that will be placed with them, for the birth mother, and for Jonny, Juliet, and Theo as they prepare for this season.