Jordan Peterson Counter-Event (Victoria, BC)
Donation protected
As a response to Jordan Peterson’s speaking event in Victoria BC, the Healthy Masculinity Collective is hosting an indoor counter-event at the same time as his, on May 19th, 7:30 PST. Our event will be held at the University of Victoria, MacLaurin (MAC) A144, the David Lam Auditorium, while Peterson will be speaking at the Save On Foods Memorial Centre. We will also be posting a video of the event to broaden our audience on these important topics.
Many people—especially men-- initially become interested in Peterson through his self-help content. We will host a discussion panel exploring different approaches to healthy and authentic masculinity, including Peterson’s, and the ethics of self help. Topics will include analysis of self help versus harm, and the ways in which Peterson weaves together practical advice with more contentious, dehumanizing, and problematic viewpoints. Our aim is to take a closer look at Peterson’s teachings to understand the appeal of his ideas about authentic, empowered masculinity, and locate the impacts of his misogyny and transphobia in relation to these. This event will offer alternate perspectives and invite healthy dialogue about how to disentangle masculine empowerment from the misogyny and transphobia Peterson is selling.
We would like for this event to speak to the question: what does masculine trauma look like in cultural patriarchy? How does this tie in with male anger, and what is so appealing about Peterson's rhetoric to men who feel short changed in a culture that, for the most part, centers them? What is this "centering," and does it actually allow for men to show up authentically? Does patriarchy permit men to be fully human? Does feminism? Why are trans and nonbinary identities and freedom of gendered self expression so threatening to "angry" and "outraged" male communities and many followers of Jordan Peterson? How might these communities actually perpetrate the very thing they are ultimately angry about?
How do we meet these seemingly dehumanizing juxtapositions with compassion and humanity?
Confirmed Speakers:
Simon holds a Ph.D. in political theory and international relations from the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore (2008). His work engages with many strands in contemporary political theory, including new materialisms, post-structuralism, phenomenology, radical democratic traditions, and contemporary marxist and anarchist theories. In addition, Simon is very interested in post-colonial approaches to political thought, and has increasingly been engaging with comparative and non-western political theories and philosophies.
Watchfulcoyote is a TikTok streamer with 100k followers and 1.6 million+ likes who makes videos with a focus on exploring positive forms of masculinity, many of his videos critiquing Jordan Peterson.
notsoErudite is a feminist Twitch streamer/Tik Tok creator/Youtuber (71K+ subscribers across all of her platforms) with a background in psychometrics. She frequently is involved in debates with the manosphere and "red pill" communities.
William is the host of the Philosophy podcast, Existential Will, which among other topics, offers critiques of Jordan Peterson.
Speakers we have reached out to that are unconfirmed:
(Your donations will allow us to afford larger speakers.)
- Josebird - Youtuber leftist content creator (response received, details being worked out)
- Jackson Katz
- Dr. Glen Coulthard
- Contrapoints (Natatlie Wynn)
- Cody Johnston
- oliSUNvia
- Farha Khalidi
- ...And More
The Audience we want to reach:
- people (especially young men) who are struggling but don't know where to turn or who to talk to
- people who have misdirected animosity towards feminism
- people who don't know much about Peterson but maybe think he has some good ideas related to self care
- people who have others in their life who support Peterson and don't know how to navigate that support
- people looking for solidarity and community to stand with against misogyny and bigotry
- people who want to strengthen their arguments against Peterson fans
- moderate Peterson fans who aren't fully convinced of everything he says
- etc.
Where your money will go:
- Speakers fees - $1200: Several speakers are coming from out of town, and the money will also help toward travel and accommodation.
- Postering - $52: 30 full color Legal-sized posters were placed up around the University of Victoria. ($12) We plan to place up 45 full-color Ledger-sized posters on posterboards around Victoria in the 5 days leading up to the event. ($40)
- Event page promotion- $100: $100 will get us between 35 000 - 100 000 ad views for our event. We may not need to spend this much, we just want to get 250 people at the event since that is our room capacity.
- Professional video editing for web/Youtube - $150: We want this event to reach an audience beyond the people of Victoria. Creating and editing a professional video will be instrumental in achieving this. The cost here is a placeholder, and could be higher or lower depending on how much work needs to be done.
Total we are requesting: $1500
Anything above this amount will go towards additional promotion and making the video of the event even better.
We want a Victoria united in solidarity against Peterson. We want to send the message that his form of misogynistic rhetoric is not okay in this city or anywhere. And we want to provide a pro-feminist alternative to right wing rhetoric that Peterson hides behind self-help.
Thank you for your consideration,
-The Victoria Healthy Masculinity Collective
The Victoria Healthy Masculinity Collective
Victoria, BC