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Jordan Strickland

Donación protegida
We always need help because out-of-pocket expenses for Jordan are crushing. Many of you know of my son Jordan's condition. Jordan is my 6 year old son. He has quadriplegic cerebral palsy. He will never walk and he doesn't speak words but he makes sounds. For several years I have been a single parent of Jordan and his beautiful 12 year old sister who helps me. Jordan is doing much better even though he has a dislocated hip which can only be treated by surgery. The doctors and I have agreed to hold off on the surgery since he is not in pain. Insurance covers many of his medical expenses but his other expenses exceed my ability to pay. I am not asking for any more contributions than what we need to get by. Any extra contributions will be applied to Future expenses. Thank you all for your consideration.


  • Anónimo
    • $100
    • 5 yrs


Keith Strickland
St. Augustine, FL

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