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Jo's freedom from employment

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For those who know me and my journey, for quite a while I have been searching a final piece, a bit that has been missing, something that for a long time has eluded me due to the vagaries of a life deeply submerged in the disability world.

I am talking about gainful employment.

My preference was always to pursue a career as opposed to just a job, hence my original occupation as a Registered Nurse but despite a genuine love for it, the dynamics of our family life and an ongoing caring role made it incompatible and I relinquished my registration.

So I find myself extremely motivated, with a vast skill set but without any qualifications per se and being employed in a conventional sense is always going to be difficult in R.u.s.s.e.l.l.L.A.N.D
Enter the universe.

Recently I have been considering a number of lifestyle changes, I’m back at the gym, my mental health is strong and so I have looked at ways I can put my years of experience, skills and ‘life’ qualifications’ to work.

 At the same time I have been made aware of an exciting business opportunity that ticks so many boxes for me and being home based I will be able to keep up with the requirements of my family in my extended carers role. Plus it fits hand in glove with the new direction I want to take.

Who better to employ and understand all the idiosyncranies of my life than me! Finally a little bit of control of my own destiny!

As with any business there are no guarantees but the opportunity has been reviewed, vetted and approved by friends who are experienced in business.

 Here's the catch - it requires an initial investment of $3000 - and to be frank, I ain't got it!

Therefore I am very shyly and hesitantly putting it out there and using technology….good grief…to Crowdfund it.

 If you are able to assist, however small, to raise the amount required, I would be eternally grateful as I yearn to stretch my wings beyond the realm of autism, disability and duty.

This is not a charity request, I personally guarantee that any and all monetary assistance provided WILL be repaid in due course.

To help me reach my goal it is as simple as clicking the link here and technology does the rest!

I promise that this part of my journey will become a part of the daily fodder on Facebook for all to follow.

In advance of your support and generosity.

Thank you so much.

Jo Russell
Faire un don


  • Gabe Franklyn
    • $100
    • 8 yrs
Faire un don


Jo Russell
Binduli, WA

Votre plateforme d'entraide à la fois conviviale, efficace et sécurisée

  • Conviviale

    Le processus de don est rapide et convivial.

  • Efficace

    Soutenez directement les personnes et les causes qui vous tiennent à cœur.

  • Sécurisée

    Votre don est protégé par la Garantie des dons GoFundMe