Jose Eduardo Rueda
Donation protected
Ola estamos pidendo ayuda para mi hermanito Jose Eduardo Rueda
Mi historia comenso asi un dia en El hospital los doctores se pasaron de nestecia y me pego parasis celebral de muy niño , dijeron que solo iva vivir 9 años ahora Tengo 30 aun en El mismo estado ,recientemente mi sobrino se enfermo de flu y yo lo contraje fui dar Al hospital dijeron que tenia nemonia de ai tuve muchas mas complicationes de ai me Dio la bateria CRE tuve operaciones mis pulmones no podian trabajar x si mismo tuvieron que ponerme una maquina ahora me pronostico es tan solo una semana mas de vida , se pide ayuda porfavor por mi hermano cualquier ayuda ese de ayuda.
Hello, we are asking for help for my little brother Jose Eduardo Rueda My story began like this one day in the hospital the doctors went overboard with anesthesia and I got cerebral palsy as a child, they said I would only live 9 years now I am 30 still in the same state, recently my nephew got the flu and I contracted it I went to the hospital they said I had pneumonia from there I had many more complications from there I got the CRE bacteria I had operations my lungs could not work by themselves they had to put me on a machine now my prognosis is only one more week to live, please help is need for my brother any help please help
Manuela Rueda
Phoenix, AZ