Jose Galvez Romero funeral
Donation protected
Hola a todos,
La familia Gálvez está buscando ayuda para financiar los costos del funeral de nuestro querido José Gálvez Romero. Después de 14 años de dura lucha contra el cáncer, su lucha ha terminado pacíficamente. Los fondos se utilizarán para brindarle a él y a su familia el cierre adecuado que se merecen. José era el tipo de persona que echaba una mano a cualquiera persona que la necesitara, a pesar de los problemas que tuviera en su propia vida. Cualquier forma de contribución o apoyo a José y su familia significaría mucho para ellos durante estos tiempos difíciles. El amor y apoyo de José hacia su familia y amigos sigue siendo tan fuerte como siempre.
Con mucho amor y aprecio, la Familia Galvez.
Hello everyone,
The Galvez family is seeking help to fund the funeral costs for our beloved Jose Galvez Romero. After 14 hard fought years of battling cancer, his fight has peacefully ended. The funds will be used to give him and his family the proper closure that they deserve. Jose was the type of person to lend a hand to anyone that needed it, despite whatever problems he had going on in his own life. Any form of contribution or support to Jose and his family would mean the world to them during these tough times. Jose’s love and support for his family and friends is still as strong as ever.
With much love and appreciation, the Galvez Familia.
La familia Gálvez está buscando ayuda para financiar los costos del funeral de nuestro querido José Gálvez Romero. Después de 14 años de dura lucha contra el cáncer, su lucha ha terminado pacíficamente. Los fondos se utilizarán para brindarle a él y a su familia el cierre adecuado que se merecen. José era el tipo de persona que echaba una mano a cualquiera persona que la necesitara, a pesar de los problemas que tuviera en su propia vida. Cualquier forma de contribución o apoyo a José y su familia significaría mucho para ellos durante estos tiempos difíciles. El amor y apoyo de José hacia su familia y amigos sigue siendo tan fuerte como siempre.
Con mucho amor y aprecio, la Familia Galvez.
Hello everyone,
The Galvez family is seeking help to fund the funeral costs for our beloved Jose Galvez Romero. After 14 hard fought years of battling cancer, his fight has peacefully ended. The funds will be used to give him and his family the proper closure that they deserve. Jose was the type of person to lend a hand to anyone that needed it, despite whatever problems he had going on in his own life. Any form of contribution or support to Jose and his family would mean the world to them during these tough times. Jose’s love and support for his family and friends is still as strong as ever.
With much love and appreciation, the Galvez Familia.
Organizer and beneficiary
Estevan Ramos
Portland, OR
Daisy Galvez