Jose Hernandez and family
Hello Family and Friends,
My name is Ines Hernández I'm Jose Hernández's wife of many years. He's currently 42 years old and is battling with Covid-19 in the ICU. This devastating virus has impacted my husband the worst. As our family took all the correct measurements to stay safe and healthy. We couldn't believe it when we had to make the decision to call the ambulance the night of August 16, 2021 to transport him to the hospital. Jose couldn't maintain his oxygen levels within normal range and his oxygen saturation were very low. The next day we were hopeful with the news that his oxygen saturation were stable at that precise moment, but he began to decline quickly and couldn't maintain his oxygen saturation levels up. We have 3 wonderful young boys together and can't imagine Jose not being a part of their lives. We are continuing to pray for my husband and father of our children to return home . Sadly, we are being informed of complications and it's not giving us much hope.
Hola mi nombre de es Ines Hernández esposa de Jose Hernández el tiene 42 años de edad. Covid ha sido despiadado como nuestra familia que siempre nos hemos cuidado en día 16 de agosto de 2021 Jose fue llevado al hospital por la ambulancia por q no podía mantener su nivel de oxígeno y sus saturaciones estaban muy bajas, al día siguiente fue entubado y sus saturaciones estavan estables, pero empezó a declinar a n 3 días si nivel de oxígeno bajo y encontraron un liqueo en el tubo y desde ahí Jose no responde no mejora hoy 24 de agosto nos llaman a decirnos q no hay nada que hacer estamos sumidos en el dolor tenemos 3 hijos y seguimos orando por el pilar de esta familia no nos dan muchas espera.