Josefa Vasquez Funeral Costs
Donation protected
Please help us raise money to cover the costs of Josefa’s funeral. The total costs are much higher than we are trying to fund raise, but we are just hoping to create a bit of a cushion so that her husband Frank doesn’t have to use so much of his savings that it makes him unable to pay for his cost of living and ongoing care for the support he needs day to day. Frank and Josefa spent most of their lives taking care of everyone they could, but in the last few years as their health has declined and day to day tasks became more difficult, they relied on regular caregivers to support them. Frank will need this support more than ever with Josefa home and we hope to cover as much of the funeral costs as possible in order to reserve his savings for his continued day to day needs and caregiver support. Thank you for your generosity and your support. God bless.
Ruben Vasquez
Scotts Valley, CA