Josh Anderson Accident Expenses
Donation protected

On Monday evening Josh was in a terrible accident on Main Street in Smithfield. He was Life Flighted to McKay Dee Hospital in Ogden, UT. He sustained 2 broken Femurs that will need rods to fix, a shattered wrist, and massive internal bleeding in the lower half of his body. He is currently under sedation and has had 4 surgeries in 2 days to try and control the internal bleeding and restore circulation to his legs. He is a fighter and isn't giving up. Josh is a dependable, hard working provider to the family he loves. He is going to face a long expensive battle to recover.
His medical bills are continuing to climb. He is in need of immediate and long term assistance to provide him with the care he needs. This will help cover medical bills and living expenses since he is the family's income.
Lets pull together as a community and help one of our own.
RickandMel Klien
Smithfield, UT