Josh Ourada’s Surgery and Rehab Support
We are a group of Josh’s friends and in general folks who have been lucky enough to grow close with him over the years. Josh is not only one of the most unassuming badasses I know but he’s also the most loyal, respectful, and reliable friend one could hope to come across. He once hiked well over 20 miles and 6k feet of elevation gain in less than a day based off half-reliable gps information just for the chance that he might run into my group on the trail. After just missing us by about 5 miles I would have never even known he tried to find us had another mutual friend not leaked the info. Point being Josh is as good as they come, and he recently took a nasty spill climbing in Yosemite requiring an air evac and multiple surgeries. I’m sure knowing the type of person Josh is he would never ask for help of any kind even in this situation, in fact he may resent me a bit for making this at all, but sometimes even a little unwanted help can go a long way. Not to mention the times I may have not wanted to admit I could use a hand Josh was there for me arms open whether I liked it or not, so sorry buddy but this time we get to pay that forward. Hospitals, surgery, recovery, outpatient care, etc. are incredibly expensive and anything will help, all proceeds will (however reluctantly) be sent to Josh. Thank you so much ❤️