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My PRIDE said, we would never do this, and even as I type I'm shaking. Josiah's life won't allow me to stay there! His courage inspires me his ability to dream is breath taking. He just wants to be a kid.

Over the years as a single mom of 3 beautiful boys, ive lived and taught my sons to serve others, I've donated food and clothes, given, served others in the community with each of them by my side. I have held impromptu fundraising for college students and homeless, parented dozens of what some would call "foster children" but to me they were just my kids and whoever else may have needed me. The truth is I can't wait to do it AGAIN! But right now I have to put the oxygen mask on myself.

I never thought in a million years that one day I'd have to employ for myself and my family what I had become professional at for others. Even the best Trend setters and entrepreneur have no power when God has a greater plan than yours.
"We have not because we have not yet asked" Today I don't have time to be proud..... My heart wants to do whatever I can as a mother so that my son will live!

I need help..... After what should have been a brief hospital visit the MRI REVEALED our 3 day stay. It was my first official day at work after being out for 6 months . I was excited about getting started and hoped to find a new Rhythm with our new medically challenged normal.

The neurosurgeon returned and said we're going to keep him. Make sure he doesn't eat I'll have the nurse make him NPO . That meant surgery was any second now. Josiah looked at me and immediately began to cry! All I could say was.......
"Okay Lord NOW WHAT?"
It was discovered that my son needs yet another brain surgery. Every emotion that could hit me did, yet I held my face like a flint because it is his gauge.

I texted my boss to let her know I was not going to make it she said she understood. The next morning only to receive a text that said "What time will you be in" she asked? (WHAT) in where I thought?
I wanted to scream! We had been doing well with chemo and an occasional bout, however we thought the road was clear. We were wrong! It's a difficult position to be in..... I have to take care of my gift.
I'm sure I'm not the only mother that knows leaving his bedside in such a critical time is hard to imagine!

On August 19, 2016 Life as we knew it changed.... Josiah was diagnosed with a rare form of (Cancer) a brain and spine tumor that spans from the crown of his head to the base of his spine. There are only 15 cases in the world to use as a reference for even the top neurosurgeons. They told me " We can make him comfortable"
I smiled, because I know who the real boss is! The FIGHT IS ON!
Great FAITH require GREAT TESTS!
The emotional, physical and financial burden have trying. It feels like the only stable thing in sight is our shelter which gives us peace, I can't afford to take that from him.
Should you feel lead to share any monetary gift of any size we greatly appreciated and thank you in advance! You will become an investor in a miracle! My Father owns all things, He is well able..... His grace is sufficient for US!
Today, I overcome the fear of asking for what He already promised. (provider)
Be blessed!
Josiah says thank you!
Mommy and Dad says you have no idea of our gratitude !
Dionne Jackson & Michael Denham

Over the years as a single mom of 3 beautiful boys, ive lived and taught my sons to serve others, I've donated food and clothes, given, served others in the community with each of them by my side. I have held impromptu fundraising for college students and homeless, parented dozens of what some would call "foster children" but to me they were just my kids and whoever else may have needed me. The truth is I can't wait to do it AGAIN! But right now I have to put the oxygen mask on myself.

I never thought in a million years that one day I'd have to employ for myself and my family what I had become professional at for others. Even the best Trend setters and entrepreneur have no power when God has a greater plan than yours.
"We have not because we have not yet asked" Today I don't have time to be proud..... My heart wants to do whatever I can as a mother so that my son will live!

I need help..... After what should have been a brief hospital visit the MRI REVEALED our 3 day stay. It was my first official day at work after being out for 6 months . I was excited about getting started and hoped to find a new Rhythm with our new medically challenged normal.

The neurosurgeon returned and said we're going to keep him. Make sure he doesn't eat I'll have the nurse make him NPO . That meant surgery was any second now. Josiah looked at me and immediately began to cry! All I could say was.......
"Okay Lord NOW WHAT?"
It was discovered that my son needs yet another brain surgery. Every emotion that could hit me did, yet I held my face like a flint because it is his gauge.

I texted my boss to let her know I was not going to make it she said she understood. The next morning only to receive a text that said "What time will you be in" she asked? (WHAT) in where I thought?
I wanted to scream! We had been doing well with chemo and an occasional bout, however we thought the road was clear. We were wrong! It's a difficult position to be in..... I have to take care of my gift.
I'm sure I'm not the only mother that knows leaving his bedside in such a critical time is hard to imagine!

On August 19, 2016 Life as we knew it changed.... Josiah was diagnosed with a rare form of (Cancer) a brain and spine tumor that spans from the crown of his head to the base of his spine. There are only 15 cases in the world to use as a reference for even the top neurosurgeons. They told me " We can make him comfortable"
I smiled, because I know who the real boss is! The FIGHT IS ON!
Great FAITH require GREAT TESTS!
The emotional, physical and financial burden have trying. It feels like the only stable thing in sight is our shelter which gives us peace, I can't afford to take that from him.
Should you feel lead to share any monetary gift of any size we greatly appreciated and thank you in advance! You will become an investor in a miracle! My Father owns all things, He is well able..... His grace is sufficient for US!
Today, I overcome the fear of asking for what He already promised. (provider)
Be blessed!
Josiah says thank you!
Mommy and Dad says you have no idea of our gratitude !
Dionne Jackson & Michael Denham

Dionne Jackson
Vallejo, CA