Josie Martinez
Who is Josefa Martinez? To us, she is Josie, or as we call her, Mama! Josie, is an amazing soul who cares so much for her family, and for any and everyone who crosses her path. If you
know her, then you know that she is the one
who will ask how your family is doing, and
makes sure to say hello to you and your
children each and every time she sees you. She is an essential worker that has gone above and beyond anyone/everyone’s expectations and has touched so many hearts while doing so. A Go Fund Me account is for people like, Josefa Martinez, she is the heart of our city, and has
the heart of a saint. If you’re looking to make a difference, this is your chance.
Josie was diagnosed with a rare bone cancer
(Malignant Sarcoma) and her treatments will
be costly. If we can come together and help
this amazing person get through this tough
time, any amount will help ease her worries. I
thank you in advance for doing your part and
don’t forget to share this Go Fund Me page!