Cindy's breast cancer fund.
Donation protected
November 7, 2014 our lives changed, my partner of the past 24 years and mother of my children was told that she had Breast Cancer. It's the words that no one wants to hear. Next it's waiting for appointment dates for test and doctor appointments. First, it's an Breast MRI, then we wait for the appt to see the Surgeon. We're told at the Surgeon's appt that the results of the MRI showed cancer in some of the mammary glands, now she needs to get a PET Scan and a Bone Scan. More time waiting for appt dates and results. After the bone scan results were in we were told that the Surgeon did not want to do Surgery at this time because the cancer had spread from the breast to other parts - not news you want to hear. Cindy spent her birthday getting her PET Scan.
Finally, we had the appointment with the Oncologist. He went over all the test results and unfortunately Cindy has Stage IV Cancer. The cancer had moved from the breast to approximately 8 other places in her body. But, the Oncologist was very positive because it is Triple Positive Breast Cancer.
Cindy went through 6 rounds of Chemo and took it like a champ. She scheduled the Chemo appts on Fridays so she could be back to work on Monday. She works at CHKD (Children's Hospital of the King's Daughter). She didn't have any PTO/paid time off, so any time missed was time she wasn't paid. I work in an industry where I don't work, I don't get paid. Plus she wanted life to be as "normal" as possible because she knew that the children were watching her and how she handled things had a great bearing on how they handled things.
A lot of people couldn't believe Cindy was going through Chemo because of how she handled herself. But they didn't see the Cindy that would work all day and come home to collapse in bed because she was exhausted. Or the Cindy that broke down before she had her sister shave her head. The Cindy they saw was the one that was smiling and joking so the people surrounding her didn't break down.
February 2015, we heard the words we were waiting for ... your cancer is in remission. As Cindy has said those are great words to hear but people don't realize what she continues to go through to try and keep cancer in remission. She still goes every 21 days for IV hormonal treatment ... the only way to give it is through an IV so she still has her port. Along with that, she gets 3 shots every 28 days and takes a certain drug by mouth (on top of her other medications) every day. She gets scans every 3 months along with blood work and still has to see her Oncologist every 3 weeks. They also do an Echo every 3 months to make sure her heart can handle all this..
I never realized the amount of bills that start to accumulate with this type of disease even if you have insurance. 2 test in one day can be $300 in co-pays, ER visit is $300, hospital admission is $500, of course the doctor copays, radiologist fees and the list goes on.
We are as most people in this world living pay check to pay check. When you have all these extra bills, then get laid off during this it starts to become overwhelming. Currently, we have been denied any help from the mortgage company, they have denied any loan modifications. We are trying to raise the money we need to keep the house while going through Short Sale terms to give us more time or they will foreclose. On top of this, two weeks ago we woke up on Sunday morning to find our car parked in front of our house had been hit by a drunk driver who also ran before the police got there. We only had liability on the car, thankfully we did find out who hit the car and he does have full coverage. They estimated that the damage to repair would be over $4,000 so they are totaling the car. The insurance company is saying the car is only worth $975 but the blue book value is anywhere from $3,000 to $5,000 so now we are dealing with this as well.
Cindy's latest set of scans was a PET Scan and MRI of the brain. She had an appointment with her Oncologist on 11/6/15 to get the results and then for her treatment and shots. The Oncologist told her she needs to get a biopsy done. They saw something (not sure what) on the PET Scan, left side of her neck lymph node. So now she is scheduled for a US Guided Biopsy on 11/13/15.. Your prayers and good thoughts about this would be greatly apreciated.
I want to thank all of you for any help that you may be able to give us. As a husband, father and provider it is hard to ask anyone for help but I am willing to do anything for my family. Keep in mind that this is extremely hard for me to do as It kills me to have not been able to stay on top of things, but it is nothing compaired to what those struggling with cancer have to deal with.
Thank you for taking the time to read our story and God Bless you all.
Bill Stelling
Finally, we had the appointment with the Oncologist. He went over all the test results and unfortunately Cindy has Stage IV Cancer. The cancer had moved from the breast to approximately 8 other places in her body. But, the Oncologist was very positive because it is Triple Positive Breast Cancer.
Cindy went through 6 rounds of Chemo and took it like a champ. She scheduled the Chemo appts on Fridays so she could be back to work on Monday. She works at CHKD (Children's Hospital of the King's Daughter). She didn't have any PTO/paid time off, so any time missed was time she wasn't paid. I work in an industry where I don't work, I don't get paid. Plus she wanted life to be as "normal" as possible because she knew that the children were watching her and how she handled things had a great bearing on how they handled things.
A lot of people couldn't believe Cindy was going through Chemo because of how she handled herself. But they didn't see the Cindy that would work all day and come home to collapse in bed because she was exhausted. Or the Cindy that broke down before she had her sister shave her head. The Cindy they saw was the one that was smiling and joking so the people surrounding her didn't break down.
February 2015, we heard the words we were waiting for ... your cancer is in remission. As Cindy has said those are great words to hear but people don't realize what she continues to go through to try and keep cancer in remission. She still goes every 21 days for IV hormonal treatment ... the only way to give it is through an IV so she still has her port. Along with that, she gets 3 shots every 28 days and takes a certain drug by mouth (on top of her other medications) every day. She gets scans every 3 months along with blood work and still has to see her Oncologist every 3 weeks. They also do an Echo every 3 months to make sure her heart can handle all this..
I never realized the amount of bills that start to accumulate with this type of disease even if you have insurance. 2 test in one day can be $300 in co-pays, ER visit is $300, hospital admission is $500, of course the doctor copays, radiologist fees and the list goes on.
We are as most people in this world living pay check to pay check. When you have all these extra bills, then get laid off during this it starts to become overwhelming. Currently, we have been denied any help from the mortgage company, they have denied any loan modifications. We are trying to raise the money we need to keep the house while going through Short Sale terms to give us more time or they will foreclose. On top of this, two weeks ago we woke up on Sunday morning to find our car parked in front of our house had been hit by a drunk driver who also ran before the police got there. We only had liability on the car, thankfully we did find out who hit the car and he does have full coverage. They estimated that the damage to repair would be over $4,000 so they are totaling the car. The insurance company is saying the car is only worth $975 but the blue book value is anywhere from $3,000 to $5,000 so now we are dealing with this as well.
Cindy's latest set of scans was a PET Scan and MRI of the brain. She had an appointment with her Oncologist on 11/6/15 to get the results and then for her treatment and shots. The Oncologist told her she needs to get a biopsy done. They saw something (not sure what) on the PET Scan, left side of her neck lymph node. So now she is scheduled for a US Guided Biopsy on 11/13/15.. Your prayers and good thoughts about this would be greatly apreciated.
I want to thank all of you for any help that you may be able to give us. As a husband, father and provider it is hard to ask anyone for help but I am willing to do anything for my family. Keep in mind that this is extremely hard for me to do as It kills me to have not been able to stay on top of things, but it is nothing compaired to what those struggling with cancer have to deal with.
Thank you for taking the time to read our story and God Bless you all.
Bill Stelling
Bill Stelling
Hampton, VA