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Hi, I'm Rosie. I am an albino mini poodle. My twin sister, London and I just turned 3 just yesterday.  We celebrated our Birthday and everything was amazing!

Today, I sniffed at a spider on the wall, mainly because I am a curious puppy. A short while later, I felt very sick, I tried getting our mommy's attention and let her know something wasn't right. I'll let my mommy tell you the rest of the story because I'm not feeling well right now. 

Hi Guys, you all know my babies are my world. Rosie violently threw up everything in her little tummy and when I took her inside to cradle her in my arms, she excreted her bowls on me and began to have diarrhea. I took her outside and set her down to finish going. 

She collapsed. She was unable to hold herself up. We immediately rushed to our vet (who was also Baby's vet and a dear friend), she treated her for anaphylaxis. 

Rosie was not stabilizing and called the specialty ER vet, where I rushed her to.

The Drs there have been amazing and very caring. At first, the Dr thought she had a stomach cancer that ruptured creating a hemorrhage, said that there was a 90% chance it was that and that when they do surgery, its usually spread through the entire body.

After my mass hysteria, she's only 3, she's SO healthy otherwise, the Dr spoke to her oncologist who remembered a very severe case of anaphylaxis that also created a hemorrhage in the tummy of a dog.  They both rechecked with the ultrasound for masses and could not find any-which doesn't mean they're not there, but its a good sign.

When Rosie left our vet her blood was at 45%, when we got to the ER it was at 20% and falling... which is very, very bad. We did an emergency blood transfusion as well as plasma transfusion. Her blood is supposed to be at 55% at optimal health, she is now back to 40% 

She is being monitored every hour to make sure its not dropping. Most likely she will need another blood & plasma transfusion along with an albumin transfusion. (when they lose that much blood and they ARE in anaphylaxis, the entire GI and small intestine becomes "leaky"which I know all about. But in dogs, it is very dangerous because the bacteria leaks into their blood and may cause sepsis. 

We are NOT out of the woods but are taking every precaution to save my little girl. If you are able to donate and share, all 3 of us (her little sister) and all of her family and friends will be forever grateful. 

Thank you so very much in advance. Your kindness gives us strength.


Rosie's Mommy. 



  • Jon Coats
    • 40 $
    • 7 Jahre
  • Pj Braun
    • 1 000 $
    • 7 Jahre
  • Paul Roth
    • 20 $
    • 7 Jahre
  • Richard Salzberg
    • 50 $
    • 7 Jahre
  • Ronald Nastro
    • 75 $
    • 7 Jahre


Brianna Marie
Las Vegas, NV

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