Emergency move
Donation protected
Hi , my name is Michelle and I'm fundraising for a place for my kids to lay there head. In this fundraiser im going to be 100 percent transparent about the situation and the past few months - Its hard but necessary. Last September I started renting this property from my current landlord. The home we began renting was the first thing we found available- 1st mistake. It sat empty for 5 years and was purchased by the landbank, it needed a lot of work- my landlord slapped it together and said for rent . 800 dollars a month for a 2 bedroom no basement - but I had to be sure my kids had somewhere to live. We had just came back from Texas at2pm the end of July beginning of August and we're homeless. Then sleeping on a friend's floor and it wasn't a great situation for anybody. So I jumped on it. I was working at admiral gas station and Northgate packaging and had my bills paid up for 4 months when I moved in. My fiance was also working at Northgate! We have had nothing but issues with this "landlord" when we began renting the property he said give him a few days and the water would be turned on... a few days turned in to 2 and a half months - because he failed several inspections from the water/sewer inspector. When he finally passed , the inspector didn't even want to pass him but felt bad for the situation I was forced in having to eat at the house I was paying rent at and sleep and bathe elsewhere on two totally different sides of town. My fiance was injured in February of 2023. His injury pressed his dr to do a CT which then urged them to do a PET -Which is how we found out he had Lung cancer. Adenocarcinoma- the process happened so quick but seemed to drag on . He had a lobectomy to remove the lung cancer on July 31st - Now he's fighting colon cancer.
I had a seizure that caused me to get into a car accident - that caused me to lose my job. I was diagnosed with some herniated disc , carpal tunnel , kidney disease due to renal failure syndrome and I am currently seeing a heart specialist, a neurologist, my primary, an endocrinologist, pain management and physical therapy Dr's & the list goes on. My dr took me out of work permanently, I can't sit stand or walk for x amount of time - there's a lot of things I can't do anymore. Getting up most days is difficult- but I do everything I can for my children.
On Oct 19th I had reached out to my landlord regarding the cera program & how they are unable to help due to only having funding for new applicants. At which time he stated if I couldn't come up with the money to get out on the first. The very next day I had already applied for an ser to obtain my denial and spoke with catholic charities about the program they have available to assist. I told I'm applying for help but it isn't going to happen overnight ... so he told me he's evicting me because he doesn't care and he wants me out if I don't have the money - eviction came yesterday along with multiple threats to turn my water off on Monday Oct 23rd. Which is ILLEGAL. if this slumlord spend nearly as much time hounding me on fixing the home, he'd be able to get it set to be a rental property. Unfortunately that's not the case. The city of flint building inspectors/rental inspectors continually deny the inspections because he doesn't know how to make sure a home is inhabitable. He is money hungry but does not care for his tenants - our home has faulty wires in the kitchen and bathroom and who knows where else , at this point I'm throwing in the towel. My intentions are still pure even though I was done wrong by him. I still am going to get help to back pay him the rent that's owed - & go to court so I can tell the judge the issues we have faced. But I also have to get a safe and stable place for my children. That's why I'm creating this ! There is a home up for purchase that was in my family that i would love to raise my girls in. It would mean more then life itself to me because it happened to be the home my uncle passed away in - the memories are phenomenal, but it needs some work. Im willing to do that work- I need to come up with 2000 down to make that happen . I wouldn't have to be worried about being put out of the situation I'm in if this happened for us and that's what I need as I'm undergoing all these exams and fighting for ssi, dealing with my kids and there dad having colon cancer and trying to relieve some of the everyday stress. I cannot do this without the help of others and it took alot for me to open and honest of the situation. I do not want to have to pull my kids out of school and worry about where were going to go next. If you can help we'd be more then thankful. God bless.
Michelle Shimmel
Flint, MI