Danielle's World Race
Donation protected
Hey there! My name is Danielle and I am raising money to go on a mission trip called The World Race. My goal is to launch on The Race in January 2016.
The World Race is an 11 month mission trip to 11 different countries. I will have the opportunity to serve with 28 other young adults who have been called to missions the way I have. We will serve in different ways depending on the country we are in.
We could possibly be serving widows, orphans, men/women in prison, teens who have been forced into sex trafficking, kids in schools, elderly men/women in nursing homes, missionaries, churches, pastors and so many more. We may have the chance to help dig a trench, build a house, teach english, pioneer new ministries or help out those with broken homes, hearts and spirits.
Together we will serve others the way that Christ would. We will love on them and stand by their side while sharing the gospel with them in many ways.
Our purpose is to be bold in service, prayer, love and obedience so that God may show us His power in mighty ways. We will leave our homes and families to "go" and follow our Lord in some not-so-comforatble situations as we live out of tents, hammocks, schools or other places without a nice warm bed and the comforts of home. We are going to eat what they eat and live as they live. There won't be the luxury of hot showers and "normal" bathrooms. There won't be momma's home cooking or the comfort of knowing that we can get to our families with just a 30 minute drive.
We will trust that God knows what He is doing and has a plan for each of us and by the time the journey is over... Hopefully we will have grown closer to God and spread His love to the nations.
This trip doesn't come without a price and I am here asking you to pray over possibly making a donation to help me raise the funds for this trip. The money I raise will go toward the funds I owe to Adventures in Missions (AIM), my equipment, travel expenses to the location we will launch from and to get home from the state we land in once coming back on American soil, insurance and the emergency money I will need to have just in case anything crazy happens (hopefully it won't) while on the mission field.
If you have any questions you can get in touch with me anytime through by commenting on my blogs at www.daniellemills.theworldrace.org
Thank you for your support. It means the world to me.
Danielle Mills
Memphis, TN
Danielle Mills
Memphis, TN