Judy Elliott Recovery Fund
Donation protected
Judy Elliot has been courageous and has always been an extreemly hard worker. Judy has worked hard right up to her back surgeries. After multiple spine surgeries and continued extremely fragile bones and cannot bring in money. She is still awaiting critical injections to strengthen bones and prevent more fractures. Judy is never a complainer and always motivated. Judy needs our help now. Anything you are able to donate will be appreciated. Even a little bit from quite a few good friends will help. As you know Judy lost her honorable husband and loving companion Dan Elliot 07/03/2014. Since then Judy has been living life and working hard to do it all solo. So we are continuing her GoFundMe page to help Judy keep afloat while she can heal. You can call, visit her, and take her lunch and a meeting. Donate on Venmo, too! Judy needs us. Judy has been uplifting. Judy is honest. Judy can serious and really funny. I enjoy every moment that I get to spend with her. Let's help her so she can focus on getting well and getting healed.
Organizer and beneficiary
Lee Ann Sassman Blackmon
Austin, TX
Judy Elliott