Judy Mann Memorial Fund
Clover and Martin's mother, Judy Mann, passed away unexpectedly on April 24th, 2021. We are starting this GoFundMe to help raise money for a donation in her honor to the Cobleskill United Methodist Church Food Bank.
We have started a virtual card that we invite all donors to sign: https://www.groupgreeting.com/sign/e0aceb1097ed12c . Or if you would like to send a physical card to the family, please send to 545 East Main St Apt 4 Cobleskill, NY 12043.
Thank you for your support.
-Sandra, Emily, and Michelle
Obituary: https://www.merenessputnamfuneralhome.com/obituary/Judith-Mann
Family and friends are invited to a period of visitation to be held from 10:30AM to 12:30PM on Saturday, May 1, 2021 at Mereness-Putnam Funeral Home, 171 Elm St., Cobleskill. A graveside service will be held at Cobleskill Rural Cemetery at 1PM. Face coverings and social distancing will be respected by attendees.