Juile's Hero Arm Fund
Growing up I knew I was different and there were things that I wouldn’t be able to do but I still tried. When I became diabetic it was difficult but something I got round and learned.
I got married to Gary in 1998. Had our first child Keiran in 2000 and our second child Rhea in 2004. So I am a mum and also a mum to our 2 dogs Niko and Sabre. I love taking them out for walks but because they are 2 huskies, boy do they pull on their leads.
I enjoy spending time with my family, reading and going out. I also love music, playing my switch games and going to the gym. Although now some of these things are getting difficult because of arthritis in my right hand.
I have set up this gofundme page because I really need your help. As I have arthritis now in my right hand due to overuse as I have no left hand I need to get a prosthetic to help me take the strain off my right hand before I lose my independence.
I visited Open Bionics where I moved fingers for the first time using the muscles on my left arm and it actually made me cry. I would do anything to be able to afford a Hero Arm. It would change my life immensely but I really need help to afford one.
I know that it is a lot of money and I will be forever grateful to anyone that can support me on my journey to achieve this dream.
Thank you so much for taking the time to consider my gofundme. I am so grateful for any support you can give.
Here is the Hero Arm in action: -
I'm raising money for my Hero Arm through The Open Bionics Foundation and every donation will help me. Thank you in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to me.
More information about The Open Bionics Foundation: The Open Bionics Foundation provides financial support to socioeconomically deprived people with limb differences who need multi-grip upper limb prosthetics.
Fundraising team (2)
Crowdfunding Support
The Open Bionics Foundation
Julie Norwood
Team member