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Juluchuca's spay and neuter campaign!

Spende geschützt
Thank you to everyone who helped us reach our goal of $3500 for our first clinic! We are now preparing for our second spay and neuter clinic to be held in March 2020. Our goal is to raise another $3,500 to sterilize another 115 animals. 

Any money raised over the goal will be saved for a third clinic, as 3 consecutive  clinics are necessary to have a long term impact on populations. Our goal is to host these three clinics within a two year period.  

This is part of our continued effort to get to the root of pet overpopulation.  In partnership with the amazing Amigos de los Animales (https://amigosdeanimales.org), and Playa Viva, a team of dedicated community volunteers will be hosting a spay & neuter clinic to service Juluchuca and neighboring rural communities. Our goal is to spay and neuter over 100 street dogs.

Just 1 female dog and her offspring can produce 67,000 dogs in only 6 years - that's a staggering number of animals born into a life of hunger, pain, and neglect. But there is a solution…  for only $30 you can help break this cycle and spay or neuter a street dog. Spaying and neutering programs are the only sustainable answer to solve the animal welfare issues caused by unwanted litters. These unwanted litters, several of which have been born just this past month in Juluchuca, are seen as "pests” and face abuse and neglect. Your donation will not only prevent the undesirable reproduction of these animals and the suffering that comes from this, but it will also improve the living conditions of the people in the communities in which they live. 

The campaign will not only help us curb the stray/homeless pet population, it's also a fantastic opportunity to work alongside local people to raise awareness about animal welfare. We will continue to offer educational classes on animal welfare, involve the many motivated school children in the communty, and will be administering vaccines and parasite treatment at the clinic.

Please help us reach our goal. Only through your financial support are we able to work to end the suffering of homeless / stray animals. Be a hero to a street dog. Save a life.  

As three consective clinics are required to make a long term impact on population control, 100% funds over our goal will be saved for later clinics. 

Thank you for the support & sharing with others!



  • Inna Orr
    • $100
    • 5 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Valentine Reiss-Woolever
Guerrero, GRO
Colleen Fugate

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt