June Garcia, The Queen Bee of Volunteerism
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On Saturday, November 25, God decided to bring home one of his Angels, my mother June Garcia. For 96 and half years June had a fulfilling life helping everyone in any way she could. My friend Steve Gall told me; Life has a beginning, and it has an end. But it’s what in the middle that counts. In that case mom was a quad stuff Oreo cookie because she packed a lot of love into those 96 years. She was declared Walden NY's volunteer extraordinaire serving on every committee, charity, or service organization that ask and there was always a cake pie or meal for anyone who needed to eat.
I’m lucky to have called her mom. After-all, she gave me life twice…. first on August 14th, 1956, when she gave birth, the second 18 months later when she restarted my heart after I flatlined due to a high fever. The results a child with Cerebral Palsy and the consensus was to place me in an institution.
Mom refused to have me institutionalized and for the next 10 years drove me 25 miles each way to therapy 2-3 times a week. She was so committed that she volunteered and served on board of Inspire Cerebral Palsy clinic for 2 decades.
I owe a lot to both my mom and Inspire, I ask that in lieu of Flowers that all donations be sent in her name to Inspire Cerebral; Palsy clinic. The Goal to raise enough money to create an annuity that will award a family with a young CP child a cash grant to spend on anything they need for their child’s therapy.
The money will be distributed each year on June 5th, declared by Walden’s Mayor, as June Garcia Day.
Want to join me in making a difference? I'm raising money to benefit Orange County Cerebral Palsy Association Inc, and any donation will help make an impact. Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to me.
D Garce Garcia
Goshen, NY
Orange County Cerebral Palsy Association Inc